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Headaches are inconvenient, but migraines? Those are debilitating. More than a headache, this special type of throbbing head pain often comes with a host of strange symptoms, including:

Experts still don’t know for sure what causes migraines, but they believe a number of triggers are involved. Some factors that may cause migraines include allergies, alcohol, dehydration, stress, certain foods, or changes in hormones. So what do migraines have to do with your gynecologist?

OBGYNs specialize in understanding the reproductive hormones in the body and how they function or malfunction. Our Las Vegas gynecologists can work with you to identify and minimize hormone-related migraines by correcting imbalances. In this article, we’ll talk about the role that hormones play in migraines.

What Do Hormones Have to Do with Migraines?

Since the odds of experiencing a migraine increase for women three to one, the cause of migraines must be biologically related. Reproductive hormones are what make the two biological sexes unmistakeably distinct. Two well-known reproductive hormones are estrogen in women, and testosterone in men, although each one is not exclusive to one sex.

Estrogen instability seems to be a common denominator for women with migraines. Throughout a woman’s reproductive lifespan, her estrogen levels will drastically change, creating periods of time where she is prone to increased migraine attacks. Some women have migraines on a recurring basis in sync with their menstrual cycles, further supporting the idea that migraines are tied to reproductive hormones.

Researchers suspect that it’s the sudden drops in estrogen that may be to blame. Estrogen levels drop just before the menstrual cycle and during the post-partum period after childbirth. That’s why some women get a break from their migraines while pregnant; their estrogen levels are higher and stable. Here are times when women are more susceptible to migraine:

While hormone fluctuations are not the only recognized trigger for migraines, they do seem to play a major role for women. That’s where your Las Vegas gynecology team at My Virtual Physician comes in. We’re here to help you understand your body and the role that hormones could play in your migraines.

The Role of Birth Control with Hormonal Migraines

It’s fair to say that many women have a love-hate relationship with their chosen contraceptive method. Birth control does the job of preventing pregnancy, but it often comes with inconvenience and side effects.

Take the pill, for example; it is a contraceptive option that changes your body’s hormones. The pill usually contains estrogen and progesterone. Some women experience increased migraines while taking hormonal birth control, and others actually find migraine relief when using the pill. Sometimes skipping the placebo pills under a doctor’s order can help prevent hormone fluctuations that cause migraines.

Women who suspect that their hormonal birth control is the cause of their migraines should consider alternative nonhormonal contraceptive options. You can read about alternative methods below:

If taking hormonal birth control is off the table for you, there are other treatment options available for hormonal migraines. One of the first steps in identifying the problem is to take a look at what your hormones are doing.

Can Lab Tests Be Used to Diagnose Hormonal Migraines?

Before you start taking hormonal birth control in an attempt to control your migraines, you can opt for hormone testing. There are at-home hormone test kits available that work with blood, urine, or saliva samples. If considering this type of testing, it’s important that you use a method that allows you to test your hormones throughout different days of your menstrual cycle. You will not be able to identify when the drop in estrogen occurs if testing only on a single occurrence.

Bringing your hormone test results to our online Las Vegas OBGYN team can help diagnose, treat, and even prevent future migraine disturbances if the culprit is hormonal imbalances.

How to Treat Hormonal Migraines

There is currently no cure for migraines. However, understanding whether your migraines are hormonal–or triggered by some other influence–can shed light on which way to go for prevention and treatment of symptoms.

Your online OBGYN can help identify whether your migraines are hormone-related. If you’re experiencing menstrual-related migraines, your doctor can help design a prevention plan and also prescribe medications for prevention and symptom relief.

If you’re ready to talk to your doctor about your migraines, the first step is to keep a log. Track your migraines on a calendar along with your menstrual dates. Track these activities to get insight into your migraine triggers:

Bring these logs with you when visiting your doctor. It helps to identify patterns and triggers so that your gynecologist can set up an appropriate treatment plan. Sometimes simple lifestyle changes can affect your hormones and reduce your migraines.

For perimenopausal women, doctors may treat severe migraines with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in order to stabilize estrogen. However, there are side effects, so this treatment is not for everyone.

Solving Your Migraine Problem

Your gynecologist isn’t exactly the first person you would think to call to solve your migraine problem. However, if your migraines are cyclical, they could be hormone-related. Ask the hormone experts for help and get migraine relief. Our clinics operate virtually online, so schedule your appointment today to meet with our OBGYN team. Alternatively, we have walk-in hybrid locations in Las Vegas where we can collect labs and vitals for our local patients.

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How painful are your periods? Most women don’t think twice about it. The pain they have during their menstrual cycle is reflexively deemed normal and accepted as part of “being a woman.” Maybe you have thought, is this abnormal? And even went as far as to ask your doctor about it during your annual exam. Often, women who complain about menstrual pain are told that it’s nothing to be concerned about and are given the advice to take an over-the-counter pain reliever–as if the thought never crossed their mind.

If you’ve experienced excruciating period pain, our doctors at My Virtual Physician are here to offer support and healing. Our Las Vegas gynecology team has decades of experience working with women who suffer from painful periods. In this blog, we tackle the topic of painful periods head on. We’ll cover the questions you have about your menstrual pain, including:

What’s Normal Period Pain?

Pain is a funny thing; it’s a sensation, and it can’t be objectively measured or observed like other symptoms, such as heavy bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge. Instead, it’s up to you to notice if your pain is out of the ordinary.

This is usually done by using a pain scale. If you think your pain might be abnormal, start keeping track of where you’re at on the pain scale. If you find that you’re above a 5, or if your period interferes with day-to-day functioning and enjoyment, then it may be time to take a deeper look into the cause of your pain.

When it comes to menstrual pain, women usually experience some prolonged, dull muscle cramping along with sharp, quick spasms, both of which help shed the uterine lining each month. Here are some signs of abnormal period pain:

Related: Irregular Periods: What is Normal & When to See Your Online OBGYN

Is it Endometriosis?

If you’re experiencing abnormal period pain, then you may wonder if it’s endometriosis. Since over 10% of menstruating women suffer from endometriosis, it’s important to consider the possibility. Maybe you’ve heard of the condition–but what is it, and what’s it have to do with period pain?

Endometriosis is an abnormality that can cause serious period pain. The pain from endometriosis is described as stabbing, chronic, and unrelenting. It can also spread to different parts of the body. Doctors don’t know what causes endometriosis, but they do have an explanation for the cause of the pain that accompanies it.

The pain from endometriosis is caused by endometrial tissue growing in parts of the body where they don’t belong. These cells are only supposed to grow inside the womb, but with endometriosis, this endometrial tissue grows elsewhere. It grows on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other organs. This wreaks havoc on a woman’s insides because the tissue swells and bleeds, just like the tissue inside the uterus, except it has no way to leave the body.

Women with endometriosis often have chronic pain that doesn’t go away when their period stops; instead, they continue to experience discomfort in the lower back and pelvis throughout the month. Sex can also be painful for women with the condition because it can affect the abnormal endometrial tissue. Intestinal and bowel pain are also not uncommon in women affected by endometriosis.

Here’s a list of all of the chronic symptoms of endometriosis:

Diagnosing endometriosis can be challenging since it is an internal growth of tissues that cannot be observed through a typical pelvic exam. If you are experiencing the symptoms above, schedule an appointment to discuss them with your doctor. Our team of gynecologists is available to meet virtually online or through our hybrid clinics located in Las Vegas.

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Getting Period Pain Relief

Even normal period pain, called dysmenorrhea, can cause enough discomfort that you seek relief. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends treating the pain with medication such as NSAIDs, including ibuprofen or naproxen, since they affect the hormone involved in reproductive tissue formation.

A second approach for relieving serious period pain may be to begin using certain hormonal birth control medications to regulate your periods and encourage a reduction of pain. For endometriosis, a GnRH agonist medication may be used, but these medications come with side effects.

If you prefer not to use medications to manage your period pain, there are other treatments available. Some relief can come by incorporating exercise, heat, sleep, and relaxation into your routine during your period. Acupuncture, acupressure, physical therapy, nerve stimulation, and biofeedback techniques are other non-standard routes of treating chronic period pain.

Treatment for Endometriosis Period Pain

If your period discomfort is still debilitating after you’ve tried the pain management methods above, a doctor’s visit is in order. When you call our online gynecology team based out of Las Vegas, you can rest assured that our doctors will take your concerns seriously by providing a comfortable and welcoming environment to discuss diagnostic testing and treatment options.

Put an End to the Pain

The saying “no pain, no gain” fails to hold true when it comes to a woman’s period. We hope that by reading the material above, you can now decipher the “normal” period pain from something more serious. Don’t live your life dreading that time of month anymore; call our board-certified gynecologists today to discuss your pain and relief options.


According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, nearly 2.5 million Americans are affected by hospital-acquired pressure ulcers each year. What is more concerning is that about 60,000 patients die annually as a direct result of a pressure injury. Pressure injuries are costly, painful, and dangerous. Those that develop while in the hospital may require special care when returning home.

hospital acquired pressure injury

What is a hospital-acquired pressure injury?

A hospital-acquired pressure injury is a skin injury or bedsore that occurs during a patient’s hospital or nursing facility stay. It is a pressure injury that is caused by a breakdown of the skin or underlying tissue. Pressure injuries may occur due to several factors, including:

While recovering in the hospital, you may get pressure sores from lying or staying in one position for a long time, especially over bony prominences

Common pressure sore locations include:

Pressure injuries and skin tears take a long time to heal. Thus, having a wound or pressure injury wound may prolong a hospital stay. Pressure injuries may become severe and cause infections or permanent muscle or bone loss. 

How to care for hospital-acquired pressure injuries at home

When it is time to return home from the hospital, you may still have open areas or ulcers. 

Here’s what to keep in mind when it comes to caring for your hospital-acquired pressure injuries at home.

How to care for broken skin at home

If you have an open wound but are unsure if it is a true hospital-acquired pressure injury, you must still take measures to help the skin heal and prevent further problems. 

To care for broken skin or wounds at home, you should:

When to see a doctor for a hospital-acquired pressure injury

While many injuries heal on their own with time, you should call your doctor if the area looks worse or if it doesn’t heal in 7-10 days. 

You should also call your doctor immediately to have a look at your wound if you notice these signs of infection:


Patients or caregivers must give special care to skin ulcers and hospital acquired pressure injuries to prevent complications. 

If you need to talk with one of our expert doctors or you want to learn more about virtual services, contact us now to find out about how to book a free or low-cost appointment. My Virtual Physician offers video consultations for pressure injuries and other wounds.  

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Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The information, graphics, and images on this site are not intended to substitute diagnosis or treatment by a medical professional. Always seek the advice of a licensed physician for any questions you may have regarding a specific condition.


"Bedsores (pressure ulcers)". Accessed July 20, 2022.

"Dressing interventions to heal pressure ulcers". Accessed July 20, 2022.

"Pressure Ulcers". Accessed July 20, 2022.

"Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals". Accessed July 20, 2022.




Sarah Falcone, BSN, RN, WCN-C, CSWD-C, is a certified wound care nurse, nursing consultant, and health content writer in Fort Worth, TX. She works with clients in home health, wound care, and telemedicine. Sarah is a passionate advocate for moving advanced levels of care to the home, where her clients can safely receive the medical treatments they need with greater satisfaction and comfort. She focuses on patient experience, outcomes, and advancing clinical models using innovative technology to serve patients better. Sarah draws from 15 years of practicing patient care and nursing leadership to share her own nursing experiences and expertise online. Connect with her on LinkedIn!


Do you have a doctor’s appointment coming up? What kinds of emotions conjure up when scheduling the appointment? Anxiety? Annoyance? Dread? For many, just the thought of setting up healthcare commitments can be overwhelmingly negative.

Not to mention the eventuality of going through with the actual appointment. There’s a lot that can and will go wrong if you tolerate bad behavior from your healthcare provider. If your healthcare experience has been a thorn in your side, then you might be considering leaving your doctor. And you may be wondering–what are my options?

We know what it’s like to begrudgingly drag yourself to the doctor only to have the same terrible experience over and over again–and we also know the temptation to skip checkups to avoid the discomfort altogether. But is it enough to warrant the drastic step of switching doctors? Well, the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and expecting different results. Why not give something new a try?

Whether it’s your primary care physician–or your gynecologist–that you’re looking to replace; our team of Las Vegas doctors are here to step in and provide the care you deserve. We want you to know that you do not have to accept sub-par healthcare services any longer. We created this reference to help you make the decision.

It’s Time to Switch Doctors if These Things Happen During Your Visit

If you’re unhappy with your healthcare experience, it’s likely that one, or a combination, of the below experiences has happened to you. Let’s cover some common reasons that patients decide to call it quits and find a new doctor.

Bad Vibes Between You and Your Provider

In relationships–whether personal or professional–communication is the keystone that holds everything together. In a doctor-patient relationship, both parties need to feel safe and comfortable to communicate openly. That way, the doctor can make a proper assessment and diagnosis because the patient shared all pertinent facts, symptoms, and concerns.

If you feel your doctor is doing any of the following during your visit, it’s a red flag:

A minor occurrence here and there may be excusable, but if you have an overall bad experience every time you see your physician that leaves you feeling deflated and drained, then it’s likely time for a change.

Is Your Doctor Incompetent or Unconcerned? Wrong Diagnosis or None at All

You’ve done your part and shared all the juicy details of your symptoms with your Las Vegas OBGYN, but you are still sick! If you’ve been prescribed medication that worsens or does nothing for your symptoms and your doctor isn’t willing to correct it or make suggestions for something better, that’s a problem. Make sure you’re working with a physician who is your advocate, who listens to your concerns, and who is competent enough to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Something that might be even worse than the wrong treatment is when your doctor tells you nothing can be done. If you feel like your doctor ignores your concerns, gives ambiguous answers to your questions, or is uninformed about the latest medical advancements and treatment options, then it might be time for a second opinion.

When Your Doctor is Not Considerate of Your Time

Seeing your doctor should not require you to use vacation time; but unfortunately, the traditional in-person experience at a doctor’s office still requires it. How much time do you spend on your appointment?

Depending on your personal factors, the whole process of a simple doctor appointment will take a minimum of two hours, and in worst-case scenarios, up to four hours out of your day.

It’s often a frustrating experience with little or no apology for keeping you waiting. If your doctor often runs behind and has no consideration for your time, it can be a damaging combination. Pile on top of that a doctor whose assistant calls to cancel and reschedule your appointment (that has been booked a month in advance) for no reason, and you are officially feeling violated.

Customer service should not go out the window when it comes to healthcare. Don’t allow your doctor or the facility to walk all over you and take advantage of your time. A recent study showed that 8 in 10 patients factor in customer service when they choose healthcare providers. If your provider won’t administer consistently good customer service, find another who will.

Your Doctor Refuses to Provide Transparent Pricing

And the last straw to cutting ties with your healthcare provider is when it affects your pocketbook. Healthcare costs can be vague, confusing, and mysterious, especially when health insurance factors in. If you’ve ever asked for the cost of your appointment beforehand, you’ve likely received a confused look and some jargon about not knowing which medical billing code will be used.

That explanation is becoming less and less accepted by patients as pricing transparency is in demand. If you need to know how much your healthcare will cost up-front, there are doctors who will provide it willingly. Your doctor should also be considerate of your financial situation when prescribing treatments and offer less expensive alternatives when appropriate.

What Are Your Options if You Dump Your Doctor?

If the above scenarios are recurring every time you see your doctor, you may be ready to move on. You’ve got three basic options to choose from:

  1. Switch to a different doctor at the same facility
  2. Find a new doctor at a different facility
  3. Find a doctor online

Option #1, switching doctors within the same facility, is viable if you believe it is strictly a personal shortcoming of your doctor, but won’t do much for facility-wide dysfunction.

Option #2, switching facilities and doctors, is a good choice if you prefer in-person visits but have reason to believe there are facility-wide functioning problems with the original clinic.

Option #3, finding a doctor online, will usually solve all of the concerns and inherent problems of traditional brick-and-mortar facilities. Here’s why:

Switch to My Virtual Physician and Experience Healthcare in a New Way

My Virtual Physician is proud to offer online gynecology, pediatrics, and primary care–along with hybrid healthcare options in Las Vegas. We strive to provide an excellent patient experience that meets you where you are. Check out our testimonials to see what our patients are saying about us and make the switch today!

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It can be as minor as a paper cut or as serious as a puncture wound from a dog bite. Any wound that creates an opening in the skin can become infected. If you notice signs that your open wound is infected, here's what you can do next. 

What is an infected open wound?

An open wound is an injury to the skin that leaves underlying tissues exposed. 

The skin is an important barrier that protects our internal tissues and organs from potential injury from the world around us. Compromising the skin barrier invites bacteria and other microorganisms into the body.

An infected open wound is a skin injury in which disease-causing organisms have invaded healthy tissue surrounding the wound. Infection of the wound triggers the body's immune response, causing inflammation and tissue damage and slowing the healing process.

Infected open wounds may show signs and symptoms, including:

It is important to identify signs of an infected open wound to seek the proper treatment. 

Treatment options for infected open wounds

It's possible to treat most open wounds at home. The best care for an open wound is to keep the site clean and dry. Common over-the-counter treatments for open wounds with mild signs of infection include:

If you are unsure how to treat your wound at home, talk with a healthcare professional about your injury for evaluation and treatment. 

Wound dressings are also an important part of at-home care. Dressings or bandages protect open areas from getting dirty and can also speed healing. 

Today, many traditional wound dressings (such as cotton bandages) are being replaced by new innovative dressings that promote the optimal environment for wound healing. For basic wound care, don't be confused by the variety of wound products at the drugstore. Choose a bandage that fully covers the wound and change it every 1-2 days or when it is wet or dirty. With each bandage change, wash the area with warm water and mild soap to remove dead tissue or drainage.

The goal is to encourage your body's natural healing process.

When to seek medical attention for an infected open wound

Although you can treat most wounds at home, there will be times when you should seek medical attention for an infected open wound. 

Contact a qualified medical professional if you notice these signs or symptoms.

  1. Fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Increasing pain 
  3. Pus or smelly drainage from the wound
  4. Redness spreading outward from the injury site
  5. A wound that is not healing after seven days

Also, if the injury was caused by an animal bite or a rusty object, you should seek medical treatment as early as possible. Telemedicine providers offer a fast, affordable, and convenient way to see a doctor about your wound without leaving home.

Many private insurance companies and federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid cover telemedicine services


In short, some open wounds can be cared for at home. You can buy wound washes, ointments, and sprays online to bandage the site and encourage the body's natural healing process. However, if you have a wound that looks infected and are worried, you should talk to a medical professional. 

My Virtual Physician offers video consultations with expert doctors and wound care specialists on staff for new and chronic infected open wounds.  

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Contact us now to find out how you can book your free or low-cost appointment for wound treatment.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The information, graphics, and images on this site are not intended to substitute diagnosis or treatment by a medical professional. Always seek the advice of a licensed physician for any questions you may have regarding a specific condition.


"Infected Wounds". Accessed June 28, 2022.

"Management of Acute & Chronic Wounds". Accessed June 28, 2022.

"Treatment Strategies for Infected Wounds". Accessed June 28, 2022.

"8 Signs and Symptoms of Wound Infection". Accessed June 28, 2022.


Sarah Falcone, BSN, RN, WCN-C, CSWD-C, is a certified wound care nurse, nursing consultant, and health content writer in Fort Worth, TX. She works with clients in home health, wound care, and telemedicine. Sarah is a passionate advocate for moving advanced levels of care to the home, where her clients can safely receive the medical treatments they need with greater satisfaction and comfort. She focuses on patient experience, outcomes, and advancing clinical models using innovative technology to serve patients better. Sarah draws from 15 years of practicing patient care and nursing leadership to share her own nursing experiences and expertise online. Connect with her on LinkedIn!

A leaky bladder can put a damper on life. The never-ending cycle of bathroom breaks tempts you to hold back from enjoying a full-bellied laugh with your friends or an intense group workout at the gym. You’re not alone┈bladder control problems are common in women–but you shouldn’t have to limit your life like this. And the good news is, you don’t have to; urinary incontinence is a treatable condition.

My Virtual Physician’s team of Las Vegas gynecologists wants to help provide the solution to your leaky bladder situation. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of stress incontinence, its causes, and provide our recommended remedy.

What Is Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)?

Urinary incontinence is a medical condition that affects your ability to hold or control your bladder and the flow of urine. There are many types of urinary incontinence:

Each type of urinary incontinence has a different cause and treatment. In this article, we are focusing on one type: stress incontinence. Stress incontinence happens when you abruptly leak urine as you:

Stress urinary incontinence, or SUI for short, affects more women than men. The woman’s urinary system is more prone to weakening of the pelvic muscles that keep the bladder sealed. Some of the reasons that women have a higher prevalence include anatomy, childbirth, and hormonal changes which are all unique to women. Risk factors that tend to lead to stress incontinence include obesity, neurological conditions, trauma, certain medications, and childbirth.

How Can I Manage a Leaky Bladder?

Many women believe that there is nothing that can be done to prevent or treat stress incontinence. They manage the condition by wearing pads or protective underwear just in case. Pelvic exercises are an inconvenience and surgery seems too extreme without a guarantee to fix the issue, so many women accept leaky bladders as part of aging–but it doesn’t have to be.

There are insertable devices that can be used to strengthen and support the urinary organs, muscles, and tissues; these are called pessaries. They are usually made of silicone or another medical-grade material and are used to reposition the urethra and help prevent incontinence. Traditionally, these devices are selected and fitted by your physician. However, today, there’s a new product on the market that is making pessary access available to more women, more easily: it’s called Uresta.

Uresta is a reusable bladder support device that can be self-fitted by you, the patient. It is comfortable, easy to insert, and comes in five different sizes, with three common sizes included in the starter kit for initial fitting. If the starter kit sizes are not a perfect fit for your body, the other sizes are available to you for free at your request. Uresta has proven effective for the majority of women who have tried it. The numbers speak for themselves:

How Can I Get Uresta?

My Virtual Physician’s Las Vegas OB GYNs are strong believers in providing patients with the tools they need to manage their women’s healthcare needs–without jumping through hoops. That’s why we advocate for the Uresta pessary device. You don’t have to come into an office for an awkward fitting appointment; you can self-fit from the privacy of your own bathroom.

If you struggle with stress incontinence and would like to see if Uresta is your solution, we’d like to help. Schedule a virtual appointment today with a Las Vegas gynecologist at My Virtual Physician to discuss your options, get your Uresta prescription today, and get your life back.

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Telemedicine gained a foothold during the pandemic. By the end of 2021, digital doctor visits had increased by 63% over two years, according to a government study. And the trend seems to be holding strong, with many physicians and facilities–Las Vegas gynecologists included–continuing to provide telehealth access, post-pandemic.

While telemedicine has proven valuable and trends show that it’s here to stay, there are some limitations. In this blog, we’ll briefly cover some obstacles inherent to telehealth along with our proposed solution: hybrid clinics.

Limitations of Telemedicine-Only

While telemedicine was literally a life-saver throughout the pandemic, it comes with its limits. The most glaring limitation is the lack of a hands-on physical exam. For standard consultations, this is usually not an issue; but if certain diagnostic services are required, like pelvic exams or getting labs done, it gets a little trickier.

Another problem that telemedicine presents is patient access. Telemedicine requires some expensive equipment that not all patients have on hand; that we often take for granted. A virtual visit requires the following:

Even if you do have this equipment, you still must count on many factors to be in working order to participate in telemedicine appointments.

Related: Telemedicine Improves Access to Prenatal Care, But Can We Improve Access to Telemedicine

A third limitation of telemedicine is simply that some patients prefer the traditional visit to a doctor’s office. An in-office visit to a clinic where a real person is physically present to assist is preferable to some, especially those who are technology-illiterate, have certain disabilities, or struggle with the English language.

For those who feel telemedicine is not suitable to meet their comprehensive healthcare needs, hybrid clinics provide another pathway. My Virtual Physician is embracing this new solution, which offers our patients a new healthcare experience where they can have their gynecology or other healthcare needs met right there on the Las Vegas strip.

What is a Hybrid Medical Clinic?

A hybrid medical clinic is a physical building that offers some of the same services that you would expect from a traditional in-person doctor’s visit while also providing the equipment to meet virtually with your doctor. My Virtual Physician’s hybrid clinics are located at:

Our hybrid clinic will open its doors to walk-in patients as well as those who schedule an appointment. As you enter the clinic, our Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) will welcome you, take your vital signs, and collect any urine samples, if required. You’ll then be guided into a private room where the telehealth equipment is set up for you to meet virtually with our board-certified physicians. Our staff is here to help in the event that you need any further assistance.

Just a handful of the additional services that we can provide inside our hybrid clinics include the following:

*by appointment only when a nurse or specialist is required

Related: My Virtual Physician’s List of Women’s Telemedicine Services

The Value of In-person Healthcare Services

My Virtual Physician is excited to offer this new hybrid option to patients who prefer the in-person experience or who do not have access to the special equipment required for virtual visits or special services. While we understand that the hybrid clinic is not for everyone, or maybe just not for every visit, we have made it a priority to provide a physical alternative to the fully digital world of telemedicine.

Our intention is to provide value to our patients by offering in-person services as an option at our hybrid clinics. We deliver this as a solution to the limitations we find in telemedicine alone. Our hybrid clinic provides a nearby physical hub for specimen collection, as well as ultrasound, for prompt confirmations and diagnoses.

Our hybrid clinics will provide a safe, private, and well-equipped place for you to meet virtually with your OBGYN in Las Vegas to discuss your health needs. Come visit our friendly staff at our two hybrid locations today!

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Telemedicine provides a convenient way to get the care you need without traveling to the doctor or specialist you need. Virtual care, or Telehealth, has been around for a while, but recent changes in healthcare have caused telemedicine services to surge. 

In the past, telemedicine visits were used primarily as urgent care encounters. If you had symptoms of a cold, you could chat with a Tel-a-doc and maybe get antibiotics. 

Today, telemedicine services have expanded. And patients can see their telemedicine doctor for gynecologic, primary, and even wound care. In this post, we will look at how telemedicine has become a solution for patients with chronic or non-healing wounds by answering these questions. 

Read on to learn more about telemedicine as a wound care solution.


How Can Telemedicine Providers Treat Wounds?

Telemedicine is a healthcare delivery model that involves virtual consultations between patients and physicians, using online tools such as video conferencing, virtual examination rooms, and remote medical devices.

In many situations, telemedicine is ideal for individuals with wounds. 

Those injured or struggling with chronic wounds may not feel like leaving home. Or they may be physically unable to leave home without assistance. 

Often their caregivers work and cannot take time from work for frequent doctor appointments. Also, depending on where an individual lives, there may not be a wound specialist in the area. If there is a local certified wound care expert, they may have limited availability. 

So, wound care appointments may be difficult to get.

Telemedicine providers with specialized training and certification in wound care can save patients and their families frequent trips to their doctor or wound clinic. Telemedicine for wound care is efficient. Doctors can conduct virtual visits, see the wounds, and make treatment recommendations through video. 

Telemedicine also lets patients have virtual follow-up conversations with their doctors and send images when the wounds change.

Telemedicine decreases costs by reducing the need to travel long distances to the hospital or to consult with a physician. It improves the quality of life for patients with chronic wounds while maintaining high standards of wound care. 

Does Insurance Cover Wound Care Telemedicine?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, federal and state programs (Medicare and Medicaid) and private insurers have expanded coverage for telemedicine services, including wound care. 

That is good news for patients with wounds who need to see a specialist. In many cases, your health insurance will cover the cost of your virtual visit and wound care supplies that your provider orders. 

Your insurance may cover a virtual doctor visit for treatment if you have:

You can check with your insurance company to find out what they will cover or talk with a telemedicine provider and have them verify your insurance coverage before making an appointment.

How Telemedicine Wound Care Specialists Help Patients

Wound care specialists provide a variety of services through telemedicine. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Telehealth services are especially helpful for monitoring and improving ongoing health issues, like chronic wounds. 

A telemedicine wound care specialist can evaluate and treat wounds virtually by: 

These services help patients get the right treatment to heal the wound quickly and return to normal lives.

Telemedicine specialists also coordinate your care with your other doctors or home health.

Advantages of Wound Care Telemedicine

There are many advantages of using telemedicine wound care services, including:

It’s easy to see why telemedicine wound care services are growing. 



While there are numerous benefits of telemedicine for patients, primary among them is the ease of convenience and the ability to access quality care fast. Wound care services provided through telemedicine are a great example of a wound care solution that is helping many individuals get the care they need. 

Learn More

If you have a skin wound that needs medical attention, talk with the My Virtual Physician team to find out if their telemedicine wound care services are right for you. 



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There is one thing that all women have in common: periods. But every year, over a million of those women enter a new stage in their life when their periods cease to exist–a certain special interlude called menopause.

While menopause marks a new phase in life, getting there isn’t quick or easy. The process of going through the menopausal transition takes around four years on average and can bring with it a roller-coaster of emotions.

Every woman deserves to know what to expect in menopause and how to endure the change as pleasantly as possible. Our team of Las Vegas gynecologists is here to help. Here, we will cover the basics of menopause and how your doctor can assist during this important progression of your reproductive lifecycle.

What is Menopause?

You’ve probably experienced a mature woman talking about hot flashes, an uncomfortable symptom experienced by 75% of menopausal women. And you probably understand that menopause is the stage when a woman’s body stops ovulating permanently. But other than hot flashes and the end of fertility, what is menopause really? Menopause is commonly defined as “the cessation of menstruation.” Well yes, but there’s a little more to it than that.

There are three major phases of menopause that take years to complete:

Menopause is the natural and gradual process that every woman experiences when her ovaries reduce the production of reproductive hormones and stop releasing eggs.

How Do I Know if I’m Entering Menopause?

It’s the changes in hormones that cause menopausal symptoms. During perimenopause, your body will gradually decrease estrogen production. Here are some common symptoms that could be signs you are entering perimenopause:

Your age, along with the above symptoms will help you and your Las Vegas gynecology team identify if you’re experiencing the first signs of your menopausal transition. Most women’s bodies begin the process between the ages of 45 to 58 years old, reaching menopause at age 52 on average.

Your doctor can order lab tests that measure hormones in order to determine whether you are entering menopause. Hormone levels during perimenopause can be very unpredictable. These tests are usually only needed if you suspect early menopause.

Caring for Yourself During and After Menopause

More than two-thirds of women say that their menopausal symptoms have interfered with their quality of life. Here are some natural tips to help during your transition:

If you’re still experiencing discomfort, our Las Vegas OBGYN team is available to provide guidance as well as additional options to manage your menopausal symptoms. Some treatments include hormone therapy, mood-stabilizing medications, and prescription supplements.

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Life after periods begins a whole new era. While you won’t have to worry anymore about getting your period or using birth control to prevent pregnancy, postmenopausal women tend to have a higher risk for osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems due to the changes in hormones. Prepare for menopause early and take care of your body along the way so that you can continue to enjoy every moment of your life post-menopause.

How much are you paying for your healthcare? Healthcare in the United States is expensive. In fact, it’s so expensive that over 90% of Americans purchase or apply for medical insurance just to offset the cost of care.

If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to the traditional model, we have great news for you–it is possible to get affordable OBGYN care in Las Vegas–even without health insurance. Let’s review the traditional model of healthcare expenses that we’ve all begrudgingly accepted up until now, and then we’ll cover the new path forward.

The Traditional Cost of Medical Care

Do you know how much your next doctor appointment will cost you? If you’ve ever called ahead to get a quote, you likely got a confusing answer or none at all. Seeing your doctor in the traditional sense can be expensive and many factors influence your out-of-pocket cost, even for a simple diagnostic exam with your Las Vegas gynecologist, such as:

All factors considered, without health insurance, you’ll likely pay between $200 to $500 after all is said and done for just a simple appointment at a brick-and-mortar facility. Even with health insurance, you’ll still be on the hook for paying a large sum of cash until you exceed your deductible. That’s just for one appointment; imagine if you had an ongoing condition requiring regular physician monitoring–this paints the picture clearly of why health insurance came into existence.

Related: No Health Insurance? No Problem.

The Cost of Health Insurance

Health insurance was originally designed to help offset the patient’s out-of-pocket costs for medical expenses. It generally works like this:

  1. You pay a monthly premium to the insurance company
  2. You receive care from a participating doctor at a discounted rate
  3. You pay 100% of the care until meeting a deductible amount agreed upon with the insurance provider
  4. You pay a portion (for example, 20%) of qualified medical bills after your deductible is met
  5. Your insurance covers 100% after you meet your out-of-pocket max

While you can get health insurance on your own, if you’re working a traditional job, you probably depend on your employer for your health insurance. Many employers offer to subsidize a portion of a health insurance plan as an employee benefit. If this isn’t an option for you, you may have looked into the government marketplace.

If you’ve checked out the plans and pricing, you’ll quickly realize how unaffordable medical insurance has become. Family premiums are over $400 per month for plans with a high out of pocket max and high deductibles–both exceeding $8,000 per year. That means you could spend as much as $5,000 per year on premiums plus another $8,000 on healthcare for a total of $13,000 per year. This model has become unsustainable.

Telemedicine Brings an Affordable Option to the Table

Luckily, there is a new model for affordable healthcare and technology is paving the way. The acceptance and advancement of telemedicine, a new way to see your doctor, has been drastically accelerated by the pandemic. Virtual doctor visits are creating a new alternative to the traditional model of unaffordable medical care. There are many reasons telemedicine makes healthcare more affordable, including:

Besides the cost savings, there are countless other benefits to moving healthcare visits online including time savings, elimination of the commute, less disruption to your routine, privacy, comfort, and much more.

Related: Telemedicine: An Advantage for Patients & Providers of Prenatal Care 

My Virtual Physician’s Las Vegas OBGYNs

So how much will an appointment with one of My Virtual Physician’s Las Vegas OBGYNs cost you? Our pricing is simple and transparent. We offer appointments as needed for a flat rate for quick things like renewing your annual prescription or getting a UTI treated. If you have ongoing care needs, we offer individual, family, and employee membership levels that allow unlimited visits for a flat fee. You can explore our current rates here, where you’ll find all of our pricing transparently available to you.

With My Virtual Physician, you won’t need to pay insurance premiums and there are no surprises about how much the appointment will cost. We promise our patients affordable access to the best Las Vegas gynecologists right from the comfort of your own home.

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Healthcare doesn’t have to be unaffordable. The old model is breaking down and being replaced with one that works for both patients and providers. My Virtual Physician is proud to be a quality Las Vegas OBGYN provider that anyone can afford.


mother breastfeeding baby on couch

While over 80% of mothers attempt breastfeeding their newborns, only one in four continues breastfeeding past the first six months outside the womb. The further from the birth date it gets, the less likely it is for breastfeeding to continue. There are many reasons for this pattern; in this blog, we’ll explore breastfeeding benefits, challenges, and tips for success.

Benefits of Breastmilk

Common sense tells us that breastmilk is best. Not only is it completely natural, but it’s custom-tailored to your baby’s exact needs. Doctors agree with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recommending exclusive breastfeeding for a baby’s first six months and encouraging a full year of the practice. Studies have found a correlation between a reduced risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and babies who are breastfed longer.

Breastfeeding has health benefits for both mothers and babies. Human milk contains proteins and living leukocyte cells that protect your baby against infections from bacteria and viruses and also contain properties that encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria for a healthy flora and easy digestion in your infant’s belly. Long-term benefits to the baby include reduced risk of:

The health benefits to mothers who breastfeed include lower blood pressure along with a reduced risk of diabetes and certain types of cancer, including ovarian and breast cancer. Studies have found that the longer a mother can breastfeed her child, the more likely that she will experience improved health when it comes to the circulatory system.

Why is Breastfeeding So Challenging Now

We all pretty much recognize that breastfeeding is best, so why do the breastfeeding rates drop off so dramatically after the first few months? Let’s tackle them in the order that they usually come.

First, mothers may have trouble from the get-go while still in the hospital. Baby may have trouble latching, mom may struggle to find the right position, and mom’s milk supply may lag behind. Doctors in the hospital might push for formula or donor milk to supplement if they are concerned that mom’s supply is not sufficient. This can wreak havoc on a mom’s confidence in her ability to feed her baby naturally.

Luckily, most hospitals have a lactation consultant that diligently tries to help the new mother make the bond and get breastfeeding off to a good start. Once leaving the hospital, mothers don’t have a lactation professional nearby to help and may continue to face issues with latching. She may also struggle with the routine required to feed the baby all hours of the day and may long for sleep and a break.

If a mother is still able to continue breastfeeding once transitioning home, another transition period may upset the routine: returning to work. 7 in 10 mothers with children under 18 participate in the labor force to earn income. It’s not practical to return to the office with your infant by your side to breastfeed on-demand, so most mothers will start to pump their breastmilk so that their baby can still receive the benefits of breastmilk from a bottle.

Transitioning to pumped breastmilk and time away from baby can cause problems for a mother’s milk supply, making her wonder if she will be able to maintain the supply to keep up with her baby’s nutritional needs.

Other factors that can pose a challenge and deter a mother from continuing breastfeeding include taking medications, lack of support at home or work, societal pressure, and a host of other reasons.

How to Overcome Obstacles and Breastfeed Your Baby Longer

Fortunately, society recognizes that the drop in breastfeeding is detrimental and is poised to correct it. We are collectively getting better at providing more tools for success. One such action was taken in 2011 by the Surgeon General in his Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding. This call to action provided twenty action steps for harboring an environment of support for breastfeeding mothers, including:

So while organizations are still working on making breastfeeding easier and more achievable, there are other things mothers can do on a personal level to increase their chances of success with long-term breastfeeding.

Set yourself up for success by exploring resources designed especially for mothers who desire to breastfeed. One of these is La Leche League, an organization that supports breastfeeding families and provides helpful resources as well as group meetings. Meetings are free, operate online or in-person, and are run by volunteer parents who breastfed their own children. Attending meetings at any point during the process, from pregnancy to anytime after birth, is encouraged.

You can also proactively find and establish a relationship with a local lactation consultant from the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) that you can speak with regularly once you’ve left the hospital to help overcome challenges and transitions. A personal lactation consultant can prove to be an invaluable resource for both physical guidance and mental support.

As a breastfeeding mother, it’s likely that you’ll experience ebbs and flows in milk production, and, depending on your situation, you may need to supplement or transition to using a breast pump in order to keep your supply up or pump when your baby is not with you.

Here are some quick tips to increase your milk production:

Concluding Thoughts

Breastfeeding is not as easy as it looks. If you want to breastfeed your baby, you can do it with support. Use the support networks and resources outlined in this article to achieve your breastfeeding goals. Our online physicians at My Virtual Physician, which include OBGYN, pediatric, and primary care specialists, are also available to help if you have any concerns around breastfeeding, nutrition, or milk production.

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woman sitting on stool in sweatpants and hoody

Itchy, red, and irritated. Those are not words women prefer to associate with their lady parts. But the reality is that 75% of women will experience a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime. There is a delicate balance between the bacteria and yeast in the microbiome of the vagina. When disrupted, infections can fester. In this blog, we’ll discuss:

What causes yeast infections?

Candida is a yeast that is naturally present inside the healthy vagina along with other microorganisms, including Lactobacillus bacteria. If the balance among these microbes gets out of whack, it can cause an overgrowth in the others. As a result, a decrease in healthy bacteria in the vagina can cause an overgrowth of candida, causing candidiasis, commonly known as a yeast infection.

Certain risk factors can contribute to candida overgrowth. Hormones and medications are a common culprit to blame for disrupting the fragile microbial environment. If you’re pregnant, on hormonal contraceptives, are taking antibiotics, or have diabetes, you could be more susceptible to yeast overgrowth. Douching can also lead to infections.

How to identify a yeast infection

Luckily, yeast infections produce pesky symptoms to alert you that your vaginal microbiome is a bit off balance. Indicators can vary from woman to woman, but generally, the common ones include:

The onset of symptoms for a yeast infection can start as mildly annoying and then quickly spiral into intense discomfort within a few days. It’s important to monitor your symptoms and get treatment as early as possible to feel better fast. If you’re unfamiliar with the signs, you can check your symptoms with online tools. If you suspect a vaginal yeast infection, testing can confirm your suspicions.

Over-the-counter vaginal health screening tests may help instantly determine whether an infection is present. These tests help you decide whether to use OTC medication‒or whether a doctor appointment is warranted. These tests are generally available at most stores that sell feminine products and can be completed and read at home. Alternatively, your doctor can order tests and collect samples to send to a lab for testing to confirm the diagnosis.

Related: How Your Body’s pH Levels Can Affect Your Health

How to treat yeast infections

Treatment of yeast infections is simple with antifungal medications. If you are confident that your yeast is the problem, there are a range of over-the-counter antifungal medications available in a variety of forms. CDC treatment guidelines recommend the following OTC medications for the treatment of yeast infections:

Each of these creams, ointments, and suppositories are available at most drug stores and must be inserted into the vagina with an applicator (similar to a tampon applicator) over a specified treatment period. Some treatments only require a single dose, while others require repetitive treatment for a full week. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and speak with your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, get worse, or reoccur within a two-month timeframe.

Avoid sexual activity while you treat your symptoms to avoid spreading the infection to your partner or reinfecting yourself. Condoms may not be as effective while using creams or ointments because these chemicals may damage the latex material.

Your doctor can also prescribe different creams or vaginal suppositories that are not available over the counter. Some women find cream or ointment treatments can be messy and inconvenient. If you prefer to take oral medication, you can schedule an appointment with your online physician to request an oral prescription such as oral fluconazole.


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Preventing yeast infections

Yeast infections are common, but they don’t have to be. There are preventative measures you can take to limit your chances of yeast overgrowth. One simple change is to make sure that you are regularly wearing cotton underwear. Cotton helps absorb moisture while its breathable nature keeps your groin from staying moist‒an environment prone to yeast overgrowth.

Other quick tips for preventing yeast infections include:

Any time you are prescribed oral antibiotics, consider requesting a pre-emptive medication if you are prone to yeast infections when your bacterial flora is wiped out by antibiotics.

Related: Top 5 Tips to Maintain Vaginal Health: Things You Were Never Told


A woman’s body is a miraculous work of nature. The delicate balance that works to keep her microbiome healthy can wreak havoc when things get off-kilter. Now that you’re armed with this knowledge all about yeast infections, you can use it to keep your body balanced and healthy. As always, if you’re experiencing symptoms that concern you, our online physicians at My Virtual Physician are standing by, ready to hear from you.



Deciding to start or grow your family is a big decision that will have a significant impact on your life. Many families choose to use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy until they are ready for the commitment that raising children takes. When it comes to choosing your method of birth control, there are so many choices out there to talk with your OBGYN about, including:

In this blog, we’ll explore the fertility awareness method and why some women choose this as their go-to family planning option.

Choosing a More Natural Family Planning Method

Clearly, there are a lot of options. Most of the choices above are hormone-based, which means they alter your body’s hormones and change how your reproductive system functions to prevent fertilization. The options for non-hormonal pregnancy prevention are barrier methods, abstinence, copper IUD, or the fertility awareness method.

Even though the barrier methods don’t alter your hormones, some still introduce chemicals like spermicide that can affect your health. If you’re looking for a completely natural way of family planning without foregoing sex, you might want to consider the fertility awareness-based (FAB) method. This method is also used by couples who are trying to conceive, but instead of avoiding sex on the most fertile days, they do the opposite.

What is the Fertility Awareness-Based Method

The FAB method, also sometimes abbreviated FAM (Fertility Awareness Method), is when you use your body’s natural menstrual cycle to look for signs of ovulation. A woman’s body ovulates, or releases an egg, once per month and awaits fertilization. There are about nine days in each month that a woman is fertile and can become pregnant if her cycles are regular (21 to 35-day cycles are considered regular, with 28 days being the average).

The fertility awareness method aims to identify which days you are most fertile and which days you are not. There are many signs when your body is fertile if you are looking for them. Paying attention to these signs is how this method can be effective at preventing fertilization. The exact effectiveness varies based on many factors, from how regular your body’s cycles are to how many layered methods you use; current effectiveness ranges from 77 to 98%.

How to Use Fertility Awareness to Prevent Pregnancy

There are three main components to calculating your window of fertility (the week or so that you should avoid sex or use alternative contraception) with the fertility awareness-based method. Some women choose to follow only one, while others may choose to observe all three. Likely, the accuracy increases when using multiple methods in a layered approach. Here are the three methods to calculate your most fertile days:

The calendar method can give you a starting point to approximate your fertile days. This works by carefully tracking the first day of your period each month. The day you start your period is considered day one. Ovulation generally occurs about two weeks later. Since sperm can live up to 36 hours inside a woman’s reproductive system, be sure to widen your window of fertility to include at least three or four days before the calculated day of ovulation.

The basal body temperature method works by monitoring your body’s daily temperature. After ovulation, your temperature will be slightly higher than the rest of the month. Checking your body temperature as soon as you awaken with a special basal body thermometer (available at your pharmacy for a reasonable cost) will help you detect the change which is usually about a half-degree around the time of ovulation. You can use this information to establish a pattern of when your body usually releases the egg, typically two or three days before your peak basal body temperature.

Finally, the last method to nail down your ovulation window is the cervical mucus method. With this, you’ll observe changes in your vaginal discharge throughout the month. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Dry days: a few days after your period where there is no mucus
  2. Sticky days: white and sticky discharge just before ovulation
  3. Wet days: the greatest amount of mucus, clear and slippery (most fertile)

During sticky and wet days, you’ll want to avoid sex or use alternative protection to prevent pregnancy.

Tracking Your Fertility

If you decide it’s time to give the fertility awareness-based method a try, be sure that you are consistent with your tracking. While you can use a standard calendar to mark your daily vitals including temperature, bleeding, and mucus, there are apps designed specifically for this purpose. If your menstrual cycles are outside of the standard range, some apps can help you determine your window of ovulation more accurately.

Working with your body’s natural cycles and signs can be an effective method of family planning when tracked consistently. Whether you’re tracking ovulation because you want to avoid traditional contraceptive medication or for other reasons, we can help you understand how your reproductive system functions. If you have questions about using the fertility awareness-based method, reach out to your online OBGYN for answers today.

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female underwear hanging on clothesline

Talking about vaginal discharge can lead to an uncomfortable, even taboo, conversation. Even when talking with your OBGYN, it can feel awkward. But if we never talk about it, how are women supposed to know what’s normal? If you’re wondering whether vaginal discharge is common, we’re here to open the door for that conversation. We’ll cover what it is, why it exists, when to worry, and how to manage it.

What is Vaginal Discharge?

Let’s open with the basics. When we say vaginal discharge, what are we referring to? Vaginal discharge is a fluid created by a woman’s body inside her vagina and cervix. There are many reasons why this discharge is needed, including:

Those are all very important functions that could not be carried out without the help of vaginal discharge. So now that you know why you have it, you may still be wondering — what does normal vaginal discharge look like?

Normal discharge is clear or milky white, and thick. A woman’s body adjusts the production of discharge to match her needs throughout her menstrual cycle; therefore, the look, feel, and amount of fluid will change at different points in her cycle. For example, a short-lived, watery-brown discharge after her period is a sign that a woman’s uterus is preparing for her uterine lining to replenish.

The menstrual cycle and fluctuation of hormones in your body aren’t the only things that control the ebb and flow of your fluids. Other factors may affect your vaginal secretions including:

Now that we’ve established that healthy vaginas produce regular discharge, let’s talk about when your secretions can function as a warning sign of illness.

When Should You Be Concerned About Vaginal Discharge?

By now, we can see that vaginal discharge serves a very important function in a woman’s body for daily health and regulation. When things start to get off course, discharge has another superpower. It’s an excellent indicator and early detector of disease.

What is your vaginal discharge telling you?

White and Chunky with Symptoms

Alone, thick white discharge is not a concern. However, if you have additional symptoms like itching, redness, dryness, or irritation, and the texture resembles cottage cheese, this could be a sign of an infection.

Yellow or Green & Odorous

Discharge that is yellow or green is usually accompanied by a foul odor and is a sign of a bacterial infection or possibly a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Other Accompanying Symptoms

If you notice a change in your regular cycle of discharge along with some of these other red flags, you should discuss your symptoms with your gynecologist.

If you are experiencing any of these red flags in your discharge, we recommend that you speak to your OBGYN to see if there is an underlying cause that can be treated. You can get a professional assessment in addition to testing and treatment online from the comfort of your own home with My Virtual Physician’s board-certified doctors who are standing by for your call.

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Good Hygiene Practices for Vaginal Discharge

If your vaginal discharge is within the normal parameters, you might just be wondering how to practice good personal hygiene when you have vaginal fluid seemingly leaking out. If you find that your underwear has been lightly coated with a white or yellowish tint, as normal as that is, it can be a nuisance.

For days where your discharge is more bothersome, you can try using unscented, breathable pantiliners. Cloth pantiliners are a good option; they are less irritating than the disposable versions that come with an adhesive that can limit airflow. If you choose disposable liners, be sure to pick unscented to avoid irritation and upsetting your normal pH balance.

Other ways to keep your undergarments fresh include choosing breathable underwear, like cotton, and changing underwear throughout the day as needed. Be sure to avoid products that can upset your natural pH levels, like scented soaps and douching, as those may increase your discharge.

Related: Top 5 Tips to Maintain Vaginal Health: Things You Were Never Told

We hope that this article clears up any confusion about what’s normal when it comes to vaginal discharge and when it may warrant further investigation. Do you have any other tips for managing your lady part secretions? If so, we’d love to hear from you, send us a message to share your insights!


Sometimes being a woman seems unfair. Case in point: have you ever been accused of having PMS? PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. Most have heard the term and may have used it jokingly when a woman’s emotions were high, casually alluding to the fact that her moodiness must be from imbalanced hormones during her menstrual cycle.

While it may seem like fun and games to joke about PMS, it’s a real physiological phenomenon that should be taken seriously. Nine out of ten women experience premenstrual symptoms to different degrees. If you’ve noticed your own PMS affecting other people, it might be time to consider whether you’re dealing with a more serious premenstrual disorder: PMDD.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe version of PMS that affects your life more significantly. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of premenstrual disorders and give you tips to help with your symptoms around that time of the month.

Let’s start with the basics.

What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome includes a range of symptoms, both physical and emotional, that occur in a woman’s body due to changes in her body’s chemistry from the menstrual cycle. A few common symptoms can include:

Interestingly, PMS is most likely to occur in women in their 30s. Other factors that increase your chances of pre-period problems include high stress and a history of depression.

So how do you know if it’s PMS? A tell-tale sign is that the symptoms repeat at least three cycles and linger for about five days before your period begins, ending on day four of your cycle. If your PMS is more extreme and disruptive than what we described above, you may be suffering from PMDD.

What is PMDD?

Only about 5% of women of childbearing age face premenstrual symptoms so severe that they interrupt daily life. Symptoms of PMDD can include all of the physical and emotional PMS symptoms, plus more. Here are some indicators of PMDD:

If your life is completely thrown off course each month a week or two before your period, PMDD is a real possibility. There is hope — PMDD is both preventable and treatable.

Preventing Premenstrual Symptoms

If your premenstrual symptoms are mild but bothersome, you don’t just have to sit back and accept the wave of discomfort each month. Preventing PMS or PMDD may be as simple as adding self-care to your routine. Are you performing these three self-care items daily?

If those three tips are not doing the trick, you may need to move on to treatment options to cope with the symptoms. During this stage, start documenting your symptoms so that you can discuss them with your online OBGYN in the future if necessary. You can journal the old-fashioned way with pen and paper, or download a phone app. Include the date, symptom, severity, and effect on your life.

Over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications may help temporarily relieve your symptoms but they do nothing for prevention. Some vitamins and herbs may help with the prevention and reduction of premenstrual symptoms including:

Treating Life-Disruptive Premenstrual Disorders

So maybe you’ve already tried the preventative measures above and are still struggling with the severe effects of PMDD each month. Sometimes medication is required for treating the symptoms, including antidepressants (SSRIs), birth control pills, water pills, or pain relievers.

The great news is — finding support and treatment for premenstrual disorders is easier than ever in today’s digital world. If you need help with PMDD, you can schedule an online appointment with My Virtual Physician to discuss your symptoms with our board-certified OBGYN and make PMDD a thing of the past.

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It’s important not to ignore your premenstrual symptoms if they are interfering with your life and relationships. PMDD can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem including: depression or anxiety, ME/CFS, IBS, or bladder pain syndrome. That’s why it’s critical to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment if the symptoms don’t dissipate on their own. Premenstrual disorders are not a laughing matter, and My Virtual Physician will always take your concerns seriously and offer help.


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