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Which contraceptive method are you using? Have you explored all of your options? According to the CDC, there are currently six categories of preventative birth control. They include:

  1. Intrauterine (IUD)
  2. Hormonal (Implant, injection, pill, patch, and ring)
  3. Barrier methods (condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, and spermicides)
  4. Fertility awareness (calendar tracking)
  5. Lactational Amenorrhea (while breastfeeding)
  6. Permanent sterilization (tubal ligation or vasectomy)

Whether you’re shopping around for a new birth control method—or you’re just curious about what else is out there, it’s important to learn about the pros and cons of each type of contraception. One of the lesser-known barrier methods that’s making a recent comeback is the diaphragm. Here, we’ll give you the facts about using a diaphragm for birth control—the good and the bad, so that you can decide if it’s right for you.

Proponents for the Diaphragm Contraceptive Option

There are many benefits to choosing a barrier method for birth control. By checking out the pros listed here, you can see what your sex life would look like if you switch to a diaphragm.

#1 Diaphragms are Non-Hormonal

Diaphragms are a barrier method. Unlike hormonal birth control methods, diaphragms do not contain any hormone-altering chemicals. Diaphragms simply work by physically blocking sperm at the cervix (along with spermicide, which kills sperm at the cervix).

Why is non-hormonal a good thing in birth control? Because it doesn’t alter your body’s natural hormone levels. Hormonal birth control is known to cause unintended side effects for many women, including headaches, weight gain, irregular periods, changes in mood, decreased libido, acne, and nausea. With diaphragms, none of these side effects exist. The only side effects when using diaphragms are limited to an increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTI) or vaginal irritation in some women.

Because diaphragms are non-hormonal, it means they are safe to use while breastfeeding since there are no chemicals from the diaphragm to contaminate breast milk.

#2 Diaphragms are an On-Demand Contraceptive

Another perk of using a diaphragm is that there is no waiting period—they are immediately effective and immediately reversible. Therefore, there’s zero effect on your fertility once you stop using your diaphragm. Diaphragms, like all barrier methods, are an on-demand contraceptive—they only work when you use them during intercourse and cease immediately when you no longer use them.

#3 Diaphragms Don’t Dull Sexual Sensation

While condoms effectively reduce the spread of STDs and the risk of pregnancy, many people still balk at using them because they believe that sexual sensations are dulled. While diaphragms don’t help protect against STDs, they can provide a contraceptive option without affecting sexual sensation. Neither men nor women can feel the diaphragm during intercourse.

Setbacks to Using a Diaphragm for Birth Control

It wouldn’t be a fair assessment if we didn’t cover both sides of the coin. Using a diaphragm for birth control does have a few drawbacks. Let’s cover those now.

#1 Diaphragms Must be Used with Spermicide

The instructions for diaphragms require that spermicide is used together with the device. That means you’ll need to make periodic trips to the pharmacy to pick up more spermicide when you run out. The active ingredient in spermicide, nonoxynol-9, is also known to cause vaginal irritation and increase the risk of contracting HIV.

Another drawback of using spermicide (which is required with diaphragms) is that it is only activated during a window of about two hours. So, if you insert the diaphragm more than two hours before sex, you’ll need to insert more spermicide with an applicator. Spermicide also takes time to work—so you’ll need to wait six hours after sex to remove your diaphragm to ensure all sperm has been immobilized.

#2 Diaphragms have a Lower Effectiveness When Used Alone

Contraceptive diaphragms are around 82-88% effective at preventing pregnancy. This is a lower effectiveness rate than IUDs (99%), implants (99%), hormonal birth control (91-94%), and permanent sterilization methods (99%). On the other hand, diaphragms are more effective at pregnancy prevention than condoms alone (79%). There are ways to supercharge the effectiveness to get much closer to the 99%, such as using a condom along with your diaphragm.

Related: 5 Tips to Supercharge Your Contraceptive Diaphragm’s Effectiveness

#3 Diaphragms Require Some Preparation

Unlike condoms or spermicides, you can’t just run to the store and buy a diaphragm over the counter. First, you’ll need to schedule a doctor’s appointment to get a prescription. Fortunately, there’s now an option available that is one-size-fits-most (Caya Contoured Diaphragm), so you can get a diaphragm prescription during a virtual doctor visit and skip the fitting that traditional multi-sized diaphragms require. Once you’ve got your prescription, you can pick your diaphragm up from a pharmacy or have it shipped to you—and you’ll be good to go for about two years until it needs to  be replaced.

Related: Is it Time to Replace My Diaphragm? Here’s How to Know

Other than a two-year prescription renewal, there is some on-demand preparation required. You’ll need to insert the diaphragm each time you have sex for it to work. Inserting and removing a diaphragm takes some practice and can be messy at times, but after you get the hang of it, you’ll be a pro.

Ready to Try a Diaphragm for Yourself?

After weighing the pros and cons of using a diaphragm for contraception, you might find that you’re curious to try one for yourself. Whether that’s the case or you just want to cover your birth control options, My Virtual Physician is here to support you and provide the tools you need to take care of your reproductive health. Schedule your appointment below to connect with one of our board-certified gynecologists today.

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Ever heard biofeedback? It sounds cool, but what does it even mean? If you’re unsure—but desperate to know if biofeedback can help solve your leaky bladder caused by SUI, then this article was designed for you. We’ll cover what biofeedback is and how it can help with stress urinary incontinence.

What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is not a treatment. Instead, it’s a tool that can help you learn more about your body. As a result, biofeedback can aid in treating certain ailments that require your keen attention.

Officially, biofeedback is: observing and measuring the body’s movements—whether it’s your heart’s beat or another muscle contracting—these are simple examples of body parts often used to provide biofeedback.

How is Biofeedback Used in Therapy?

Biofeedback is usually done in a therapeutic setting in order to better understand how a patient’s body responds to small changes, particularly when trying to solve a dysfunction. Special instruments are required to measure and record biofeedback, such as a stethoscope, heart monitor, or other specialized equipment. This equipment can record and analyze your biofeedback data for patterns. Additionally, your therapist may help you interpret the live feedback during your session.

Using Biofeedback to Treat Stress Urinary Incontinence

Biofeedback sounds great—but what’s it got to do with stress urinary incontinence? Kegels.

Kegels are used to strengthen pelvic floor muscles as a treatment for SUI. Some people struggle to know whether they’ve got the right muscles contracted during Kegels, so that’s why biofeedback can be so helpful for therapists to teach proper techniques.

Biofeedback is used to help patients perform pelvic floor exercises properly, ensuring that the target muscle group is engaged. Special equipment is required, including small sticky sensors that are stuck to the patient’s skin near the nether regions where the pelvic muscles are located.

These sensors are hooked up to a machine that gives the patient feedback in the form of graphs and tones. It can not only tell you instantly whether you’re doing your Kegels right, but it can also measure the strength of your contractions. That means that biofeedback can tell whether your pelvic strengthening program is working over time.

Biofeedback can be more effective than doing Kegels on your own at home for several reasons, including:

Related: The Truth About Kegels: Treating SUI Bladder Leaks

What’s a Biofeedback Session Like for SUI?

If you’re considering getting biofeedback to help treat your stress urinary incontinence, then you might be wondering what the process entails. First, you’ll need to speak with your doctor to find a therapist who specializes in urinary incontinence and who has biofeedback equipment. You can expect to set up a series of appointments—usually, a handful of appointments are required over a period of a couple of months.

During your appointment, your therapist will help you place your sensors for the biofeedback device and then walk you through different exercises. A screen or audio tones will provide feedback for your therapist to work with you and tell you whether you’re contracting the right pelvic muscles. After your session, you’ll be asked to continue the exercises regularly on your own.

When you return for your next visit, the biofeedback device will be hooked up again, and your therapist will be able to measure your progress from your last visit. This continues until you achieve the desired results. In order to maintain your new muscle tone and relief from SUI, you’ll need to continue a regular strengthening regimen at home.

Can I Do Biofeedback at Home?

If you’d rather skip the awkwardness of going to a therapist for pelvic strengthening and biofeedback, there are devices that can provide similar feedback from home. A study found that nearly 7 in 10 patients achieved less bladder leakage after using at-home biofeedback devices for 12 weeks.

Where Do I Go From Here?

If you’re not sure where to start, our doctors at My Virtual Physician are here to help. We’ve worked with many patients who face stress urinary incontinence, and we understand how frustrating it can be when your bladder leaks during laughter, coughing, and exercise. We can counsel you, helping you pick the best course of action; whether it’s working with a professional for biofeedback sessions, trying a pessary such as Uresta, or contemplating surgery—we’re here for you.

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Schedule your appointment today so that you can get the treatment that gives control of your bladder back to you once again.


If you’ve explored your non-hormonal birth control options, you’ve likely come across spermicide and contraceptive gels as options. Both of these choices can be used alone or together with barrier methods. When added to some barrier methods, like diaphragms, these substances can increase effectiveness and reduce the chance of pregnancy.

Many people assume that spermicide and contraceptive gel are the same thing—but are they? Let’s find out.

What is Spermicide?

Spermicide is a chemical that kills sperm with the active ingredient known as nonoxynol-9, which has been used as a contraceptive for decades. It comes in several forms, including gel, foam, cream, film, or suppository, and it is introduced into the vagina before sex in order to work properly. Some name brands include VCF gel, Conceptrol, and Gynol II.

You can purchase spermicide over the counter without a prescription for around one dollar per applicator. The effectiveness varies depending on the study, type, and brand name, but the failure rate averages 21% when used alone. However, some brands boast a failure rate as low as 6%. Many women use spermicide together with another barrier method, like a diaphragm, to improve effectiveness. The Caya diaphragm used with Gynol II spermicide has a pregnancy rate of 17%.

The active ingredient in spermicide, nonoxynol-9, has some known health concerns. It’s important to be aware that spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 can increase your risk of contracting HIV and may cause vaginal and skin irritation or vaginal infections.

What is Contraceptive Gel?

Contraceptive gel, currently marketed as Phexxi, is a chemical that stabilizes the vaginal pH so that sperm cannot swim throughout the female reproductive system; therefore, blocking fertilization. Typically, when sperm enters the female’s body, the vaginal pH rises, allowing the sperm to travel more easily. Contraceptive gel keeps the vaginal pH more acidic, limiting sperm’s ability to swim. There are three non-toxic active ingredients:

This is a new contraceptive product, receiving FDA approval just a couple of years ago in 2020. The gel is available by prescription only and is inserted into the vagina with an applicator, similar to spermicide. The effectiveness is currently at 86% when used alone; or a failure rate of 14%.

Although the ingredients are labeled as non-toxic, there are still some side effects for some women. Risks of using contraceptive gel include bladder, kidney, and vaginal infections.

The cost of contraceptive gel can be prohibitive. Even coupon sites like GoodRx have the substance listed at $300 to $350 per package of 12 applicators. That means it will cost around $25-$30 per application without insurance. However, insurance may cover the cost if you have it.

Which is Best for My Diaphragm: Spermicide Vs. Contraceptive Gel

So, which one is better for using with my diaphragm: spermicide or contraceptive gel? Right now, the answer is clear: spermicide. That’s because—to our knowledge, only spermicide has been tested with and is currently approved for use with diaphragms.

So you may be wondering—can contraceptive gel be used with diaphragms? The product’s website states that contraceptive gel can be used with diaphragms, but doesn’t specify which diaphragms were tested and deemed compatible. It also noted specifically not to use contraceptive gel with a vaginal ring birth control method.

Before using contraceptive gel together with your diaphragm, check with your doctor, who will be able to determine if it’s ok to combine the use of contraceptive gel in addition to spermicide with your diaphragm. Talk with your doctor to make the decision on which solution is best for your reproductive health.

Comparing Spermicide Vs. Contraceptive Gel

Let’s review what we’ve learned about the similarities and differences between spermicide and contraceptive gel.




So the mystery is solved: spermicide and contraceptive gel are two very different chemicals used to prevent pregnancy in different ways. If you’re interested in exploring your contraceptive options, reach out to our online gynecologists today. My Virtual Physician has partnered with Caya to provide the one-size-fits-most diaphragm option to our patients who desire it.

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Only 14 in 100 women of childbearing age (15-49) choose the pill as their birth control method. Many women are looking for non-hormonal alternatives like diaphragms and spermicidal films. But, when deciding which method to use as your primary contraceptive, it’s important to consider all the facts. Here, we compare VCF Films and Diaphragms as birth control methods to find out which one comes out on top.

What is VCF Film?

VCF is short for vaginal contraceptive film. Think of it as those Listerine breath strips that melt in your mouth—but instead of giving you fresh breath, VCF melts inside your lady parts to prevent pregnancy. It’s a paper-thin, flexible square of material containing the active ingredient in spermicide (nonoxynol-9). To use it, a woman inserts the square into the vagina prior to sex. Within 15 minutes, it turns into a gel barrier that covers the cervix, standing by to kill sperm.

What is a Diaphragm?

Diaphragms are reusable contraceptive devices made out of latex, silicone, or other soft materials that are prescribed by a doctor for female birth control. A diaphragm acts as a physical barrier, preventing sperm from getting through. They work best when used together with spermicide.

There are two major categories of diaphragms available today. Traditional diaphragms come in multiple sizes and must be fitted by your doctor, while the Caya Contoured Diaphragm is a one-size-fits-most option that does not require an in-person fitting with your doctor.

Related: Diaphragms as a Contraceptive: What’s It Like to Use One?

Similarities of VCF Film & The Diaphragm

The same woman might consider both options for meeting contraceptive needs. They have a lot in common. Here are some of their similarities:

Both birth control methods can be a great choice for a woman who wants a non-hormonal, fast-acting, reversible birth control that’s 100% under her control. The drawbacks to using these products are also similar, offering no STD protection, both containing Nonoxynol-9 which can be an irritant, and requiring vaginal insertion at just the right time prior to sex to maximize effectiveness.

Spotting the Differences Between The Diaphragm & Contraceptive Film

By now, both options seem like a pretty great choice for some women. And while you can switch between using either method from one day to the next, you should know what the differences are between the two.

Prescription Requirement & Front-Loaded Cost

Your up-front cost for a diaphragm will be higher than VCF film. That’s because a prescription is required for the device, but not for the film. At My Virtual Physician, we try to keep your costs affordable. That’s why we’ve partnered with Caya to provide a hassle-free experience in getting your prescription from us. Sometimes insurance will cover 100% of the cost for your consultation and for the diaphragm as well. If not, you can get your appointment for $49.99 with MVP, and your diaphragm out-of-pocket cost will be under $100.

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Cost Comparison Over the Long-Haul

Diaphragms last about two years, so the initial cost will reoccur every couple of years if you continue to use this method for birth control. Contraceptive films have no device or prescription requirement, so you’ll just need to purchase the films over the counter for around a dollar per film.

A small amount of spermicide gel is also required for the diaphragm, so it will need to be continually purchased while you use a diaphragm. Spermicide that is compatible with diaphragms includes Gynol II, which comes in tubes with a re-fillable applicator, and VCF Gel pre-filled applicators. The cost varies from one to two dollars per application. Keep in mind, though, that less spermicide is required during the initial insertion of the diaphragm—only one to two teaspoons, so your tube of spermicide can potentially last longer than single-use films.

Which is More Effective?

According to VCF’s packaging, they boast a 94% effectiveness and up to 99% effectiveness when used with condoms. That outpaces Caya’s published effectiveness rates of 86% when used perfectly. However, there is no data about how effective the Caya diaphragm is when used together with condoms. Since condoms alone are 87% effective, using them along with spermicide and a diaphragm plummets your chances of unplanned pregnancy.

It’s hard to compare apples to apples, but it seems both methods are quite effective when used together with condoms, and VCF films are slightly more effective than diaphragms with spermicide if not using condoms.

Which One Works Faster?

With both contraceptive films and diaphragms—timing is important, along with following the instructions carefully. For the film to work properly, it needs 15 minutes after insertion to activate. The diaphragm, on the other hand, doesn’t require any downtime, and you can get into the action right away.

When it comes to round two, both diaphragms and films need some attention. Never remove the diaphragm between rounds, but add more spermicide with an applicator before each one. For the contraceptive film, a new film must be inserted every time you have intercourse, plus add the 15-minute waiting period.

Which Option Requires Less Maintenance?

The film may be easier when it comes to managing the after-care because there is nothing more to do once you’re done having sex. The chemicals are naturally removed through bodily fluids. Diaphragms, on the other hand, must be left in place for six hours so that the spermicide works completely, and then removed, cleaned, and put back in the case for next time.

Related: The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Diaphragm for Birth Control

Which is Easier to Use?

Both methods of birth control have a learning curve when it comes to inserting them. Some complaints about the film include:

The diaphragm can also be challenging to learn how to insert. But, the Caya Contoured Diaphragm was designed with a woman’s body in mind and comes with grips and a removal dome to help with the insertion and removal process.

So, Which Contraceptive Option is Better For You?

Looking at the comparison laid out above, there are definite pros and cons for each method. Deciding which one is best for you is a personal decision between you and your doctor.

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to pregnancy prevention. Luckily, non-hormonal options are becoming more accessible, giving women more control over their reproductive health. If you’re considering a change to your birth control method, contact our doctors to talk about your options.

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Suppose you’ve been dealing with bladder leaks when you cough, laugh, or sneeze. In that case, you’re probably well aware that you’re dealing with stress urinary incontinence, or SUI. And you’re ready to do something about it.

There are many natural remedies that we’ve discussed previously in this article: Why Do I Get Bladder Leaks When I Cough and What Can I Do About it? But if you’ve already given a good try with the Kegels, lifestyle changes, and pessaries like Uresta, only to find that you’re still struggling to keep your bladder in line, then you may be contemplating surgery to fix the problem.

While surgery isn’t for everyone, it is an option on the table for those with persistent stress urinary incontinence that have tried other treatments without success. There are three major types of surgical interventions used to treat SUI. Let’s find out more about each one to find out which option is right for you.

Injections for Treating SUI

Before resorting to full-blown bladder surgery, there is an in-between step that is more drastic than natural remedies—but less invasive than surgery. This option involves injecting synthetic bulking material (similar in consistency to natural collagen) into your tissues around the urethra in order to plump and tighten the bladder neck opening and keep urine inside the bladder when you cough or apply pressure.

These injections are done as a minor, outpatient procedure in your local doctor’s office in less than half an hour. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. A local anesthetic is given to help numb the area
  2. A scope is inserted into the urethra for visual accuracy
  3. The material is injected into the tissues around the bladder

It’s important to note that these injections are not a permanent solution. It may take multiple injections and must be repeated to maintain the results. These injections usually help decrease leaks, but ultimately, they are not a cure. The success rate is around 80% of women showing an improvement after three injection visits, but only 10-30% are cured of leaks for up to a year.

Urethral Sling for Treating SUI

A more invasive surgical operation for treating stress urinary incontinence urethral sling surgery. Think of a sling as a supportive hammock that lifts your pelvic organs, particularly the bladder and urethra, into position for proper alignment. Sometimes with age, childbirth, and other factors, our bladder organs sink and move from their original positions, resulting in incontinence and other issues like pelvic organ prolapse.

Related: Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Explained by Your Las Vegas OBGYN Team

Urethral slings are used to realign your anatomy so that your bladder organs can function properly. The material for the sling can either be made of synthetic mesh (called a mid-urethral sling) or from donor tissue removed from your belly or thigh (traditional or autologous sling).

Surprisingly, mid-urethral sling surgery can be completed as quickly as half an hour and can be done as an outpatient procedure because it has a quick recovery time. However, there are risks to using a synthetic mesh, including mesh erosion which affects 2% of women and leads to long-term problems until removed. It is also not advised for patients who wish to give birth in the future.

While the synthetic mesh is the most common type of SUI sling surgery with a success rate of around 75%, the traditional sling is the solution in the event of a bad reaction with the synthetic version. This surgical procedure is more in-depth and requires a short hospitalization stay during your recovery time. There is a higher risk of UTIs and incontinence after undergoing traditional sling surgery.

Sling procedures can be performed through a variety of methods, from one or more incisions in the abdomen, through the vagina, or even laparoscopically. Your surgeon can guide you through where any incisions will be made for your procedure. Be sure to ask your doctor questions about success rates and risks for the procedure that you’re considering.

See the FDA’s list of specific questions to ask your surgeon before proceeding with a sling surgery, including:

Bladder Neck Suspension for Treating SUI

Colposuspension, also called the Burch procedure, is another surgical option for treating SUI in women. This is a procedure where stitches are used to align the bladder neck (where the urethra meets the bladder) back to its proper place and can be done either through an abdominal incision or laparoscopically as an outpatient procedure.

Complications are usually less severe than sling procedures and include the possibility of having to go back in and loosen stitches if you have trouble emptying the bladder after the operation. The success rate of bladder neck suspension for SUI treatment is around 85%.

Choosing the Best Treatment Option for Your Bladder Leaks

Living with stress urinary incontinence certainly puts a damper on life. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, surgery may be your next plan of action. If you’re considering bladder surgery for your SUI, talk with your doctor about which surgical option is best for your situation. Your doctor will help you consider factors like your age, future plans for childbearing, medical history, and the root cause of the problem in order to come to the best treatment option.

My Virtual Physician supports patients through counseling and patient education when making big decisions like undergoing bladder surgery. We can also see you virtually from the comfort of your own bed in the event that you’re recovering from surgery and have concerns. Please don’t hesistate to reach out to us today.

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If you’re new to using a diaphragm as your chosen method of contraception, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve crafted this handy list of do’s and don'ts so that you can quickly learn how to handle your new device so that it works best for you. Let’s dive right in…

Do Check With Your Insurance About Coverage

If you have health insurance, don’t forget to check with your provider about covering the cost of your diaphragm. From the initial appointment to the device itself and the spermicide that you’ll need on an ongoing basis, many insurance companies cover these costs in full.

Don’t Fret if You Don’t Have Health Insurance

Diaphragms are relatively inexpensive, costing around $100 for a device that is designed to last a couple of years. My Virtual Physician offers affordable appointments for just $49.99, where you can get your Caya prescription. If this is still unaffordable, talk with your doctor or your local health department; many have outreach programs that will help you attain affordable contraception.

Do Use Spermicide with Your Diaphragm

Diaphragms are more effective when they are used together with spermicide. Spermicide comes in a tube and is a gel that you’ll apply to the rim of your diaphragm (or as instructed by the manufacturer). The diaphragm blocks most sperm from entering a woman’s reproductive system, but the spermicide finishes the job by killing the sperm, which could live for several days, increasing the chances of pregnancy, if it weren’t for the spermicide gel.

Related: 4 Things You Need to Know About Using a Diaphragm for Birth Control

Don’t Give Up if You Struggle to Insert Your Diaphragm

Much like when you used tampons for the first time, there’s a learning curve when it comes to inserting your diaphragm. The first few times, the insertion and removal process will likely be uncomfortable and awkward. But as you learn to finesse it just right, you’ll become a pro at putting it in and taking it out with ease. Give it a couple of weeks of practice before you give up on your diaphragm.

Do Reapply Spermicide

Spermicide gel is most effective within two hours of applying it. So, say you insert your diaphragm (with spermicide gel) at 4 pm and go to dinner but don’t get home until 7 pm, you’ll need to insert another applicator full of spermicide gel before sex for the best pregnancy protection. Don’t remove your diaphragm to do this; instead, simply use the applicator that came with the gel to add spermicide into the vagina.

Don’t Be Absent-Minded About Diaphragm Timing

Using a diaphragm takes a little bit of planning. Think ahead about what time you might have sex and plan accordingly. Make a mental note of the time of diaphragm insertion and after sex so that you can reapply spermicide and remove the device in proper timing.

After sex, your diaphragm needs to remain in place for six hours to give the spermicide time to disable any remaining sperm. Taking it out too soon puts you at a higher risk for pregnancy, essentially opening the doors to live sperm.

But you also don’t want to wear a diaphragm continuously for days on end. Most diaphragms recommend that they be removed at least every 24 hours. Leaving it in longer than a day can lead to vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV).

Related: Our Las Vegas OBGYNs Cure Your Bacterial Vaginosis Fast

Do Read, Keep, & Follow The Instructions that Came with Your Diaphragm

It can be tempting to skip reading instruction manuals, patient care guides, and package inserts and jump right into using your new diaphragm. But when it comes to something as important as family planning, we encourage you to thoroughly review these documents before your first use. It’s also a good idea to keep them on hand in case you need to review them later down the road.

Don’t Use Cleaning Chemicals or Boil Your Diaphragm

Taking care of your diaphragm isn’t difficult. Most come with a protective case to store your clean diaphragm in when not in use. After each use, rinse your diaphragm with mild soap and water, let dry, and put in the case. Never use any chemicals on your diaphragm and do not boil or steam it in an attempt to disinfect it. If you feel the diaphragm needs to be disinfected due to odor or staining, contact your doctor about getting a replacement.

Do Check For Damage While You Clean Your Diaphragm

Cleaning your diaphragm is a quick and simple process. Simply wash with mild soap and water and air dry or blot with a clean cloth. While you’re cleaning, you should periodically inspect your diaphragm for any signs of damage, including cracks, wrinkles, or weak spots. You can also fill it up with water and look for drips. Any signs of damage and you should use backup contraception and contact your doctor for a replacement.

Related: Is it Time to Replace My Diaphragm? Here’s How to Know

Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands!

Our last tip for proper use of a diaphragm for contraception is to always have clean hands when handling the diaphragm. Wash your hands both before and after you insert the diaphragm, as well as before and after removing it. Frequent handwashing will reduce your chances of unintentionally inviting unwanted bacteria to the region, which can lead to infections.

Ready for My Diaphragm!

Using a diaphragm for birth control takes a little bit of extra preparation, but for some, it’s well worth the extra effort. If you’re interested in trying the fitting-free Caya Contoured Diaphragm, book an appointment to speak with our OBGYN team today!

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One in three women lives with bladder leaks caused by stress urinary incontinence (SUI). SUI is when you leak a little urine when pressure is applied to the bladder—like when you cough, laugh, or sneeze. As you age, your chances of developing SUI increase. The main cause is a lack of muscle tone and a weakened structure. And there is a simple solution: the pessary. Let’s explore the pessary.

What is a Pessary?

A pessary is a medical prosthetic that helps to provide structure to the pelvic organs in an attempt to restore the natural shape for proper functioning. As you know—with age, everything starts sagging, and internal organs are no exception. A pessary is essentially a bra for your bladder organs.

These devices have an ancient history, originally made of wax and string until rubber was available in the 1800s. Today, the prosthetic is made of flexible, hypoallergenic material, such as silicone. To use it, a woman inserts the pessary into her vagina. If you search for images of pessaries, you’ll see that these devices come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

What Conditions Do Women Use Pessaries For?

Pessaries aren’t just for sealing up bladder leaks. Pelvic organ prolapse warrants another common use for the devices. Since both conditions are caused by a gradual change in anatomy, a prosthetic that restores the original anatomy works. Furthermore, pessaries can even be used to administer medication.

RELATED: Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) Explained by Your Las Vegas OBGYN Team

Types of Pessaries

There’s a reason for all that variety you see when looking at pessaries. Each unique shape is designed to support different pelvic organs. Here’s a rundown on the different shapes you might find, but not all of them are used for urinary incontinence:

Ring Pessaries

Resembling a ring you would wear on your finger, the hole in this shaped pessary allows urine to flow through while wearing the device—on your terms. This type is not used for urinary leaks but works to support the internal organs near the cervix. Sometimes the center hole is covered with a thin layer of material with smaller holes.

Lever Pessaries

A less often prescribed shape is the lever pessary. This one is used for correcting the positioning of a tilted uterus and resembles a caribiner.

Gehrung Pessaries

A tiny saddle-looking pessary is the Gehrung version. It’s used in supporting the rectal and bladder anatomy and is inserted near the cervix.

Shaatz Pessaries

Used for pelvic organ prolapse, Shaatz pessaries are shaped like a washer that has additional pinholes around the perimeter.

Cube Pessaries

Cube pessaries look like small dice (like playing dice) with concave sides and a string attached. These are used for mild pelvic prolapse.

Gelhorn Pessaries

Severe pelvic organ prolapse requires the Gelhorn pessary, which resembles a kitchen sink strainer plug. The flat side rests against the cervix, with the protrusion facing the vaginal opening.

Inflatable Pessaries

Inflatable pessaries can be used for mild conditions. The shape conforms to your body as you inflate it with a hand pump.

Unique Pessaries

Other uniquely-shaped pessaries have been developed over the years. One example is Uresta, a pessary that is shaped like a small cylinder with nubs on the sides. The shape keeps the device in place and puts minor pressure on the urethra to prevent bladder leaks.

With so many different types of pessaries available, it can be challenging to pick the right type for your body and may require some trial and error. Let our doctors assist with the process by giving you our expertise and the tools to try out a pessary to see if it helps you with your stress urinary incontinence.

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How to Use a Pessary for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Once you and your doctor pick the right pessary to try, the first step is to get the right fit. With Uresta, our partner in managing urinary incontinence, there are five sizes available for you to try in a self-fitting at home. Other pessaries may require fitting inside a doctor’s office. Pessaries are inserted similarly to a tampon without an applicator or similar to a diaphragm.

With a proper fit, you will:

Patients can self-manage their use of the pessary. Read the instructions on how to insert and how long the pessary can remain in place, as well as cleaning steps. Some women choose to only use the pessary during workouts, while others wear it all day long and remove it before bed. Your pessary will need to be replaced every year or as directed.

A Pessary to Stop Your Bladder Leaks

If you’re living with annoying bladder leaks when you cough or put any pressure on your abdomen, you’re probably fed up with the nuisance. A pessary can allow you to return to a normal life, enjoying all of the activities that you once did. If you’re interested in trying Uresta or another pessary for stress urinary incontinence, reach out to our team today.

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Is it time to replace my diaphragm?

Diaphragms used for birth control are unique because they offer an inexpensive, low-maintenance, and long-lasting solution that you can’t get from other types of contraceptives. If you’ve been using a diaphragm for a while now, you may be wondering how long it should last and when you should replace it. Let’s talk about the lifespan of a diaphragm.

How Long Does A Diaphragm Last?

The longevity of your diaphragm’s usability varies depending on which type of diaphragm you are using. Traditional-style diaphragms available today—such as the silicone Milex Omniflex or Arcing styles—have a useful life of up to two years. Other latex diaphragms have boasted up to a 10-year lifespan. The new one-size-fits-most Caya diaphragm has a lifecycle of up to two years. Always read the instructions that come with your diaphragm to confirm how long your device is designed to last.

Just because your diaphragm’s box says that it can last up to ten years, doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have to replace it before then. Here are some reasons that you should consider replacing your diaphragm before the expiration date:


With childbirth, everything changes. Your body, cervix, and vaginal canal will change from your birthing experience. Avoid using a diaphragm for six weeks after childbirth because it takes that long for your cervix to return to its normal size. And your new normal may be different from your size before you got pregnant. That’s why you should consult with your doctor about getting a new diaphragm after giving birth, particularly if it’s not the one-size-fits-all style (Caya).

Weight Change

Whether you’ve gained or lost weight since you were initially prescribed your diaphragm, a drastic change in weight might affect the fit. While it may be on the traditional package insert to get re-fitted when your weight fluctuates more than ten pounds, it may not be true for everyone. At least one study has shown that there is no correlation between weight and diaphragm size change. It never hurts to consult your doctor after a major change in body weight to verify that the diaphragm is still working properly.

Pelvic Surgery

Pelvic surgery is sometimes done to correct the following conditions and can affect the fit of your diaphragm:

Be sure to discuss your birth control options with your surgeon to set up a contraceptive plan that works for you and that will be compatible with your body.

The Fit Feels Off

Trust your gut. If you feel like your diaphragm is no longer fitting tightly and securely as it did when you first received it, then it’s probably time to replace it. Signs of this include being able to feel the diaphragm after insertion, pain during intercourse, and the diaphragm moving or coming out when you walk, sit, lay down, or have sex. Talk to your doctor if you want to replace your diaphragm or check its fit.

Related: 5 Tips to Supercharge Your Contraceptive Diaphragm’s Effectiveness

What are Signs that I Need to Replace My Diaphragm?

Changes to your body are not the only reasons that you may want to replace your diaphragm before its expiration date. Check your diaphragm every time you use it for signs of wear. This includes:

At the first sign of the above, discontinue using your diaphragm and consult with your doctor about getting a new one ordered. In the meantime, be sure to use another contraceptive method.

Should I Upgrade to the Caya Diaphragm?

If you’ve just realized that it’s time to replace your diaphragm, you may be wondering if you should switch from a traditional diaphragm, which requires in-person fittings, to the Caya Diaphragm. Caya is a one-size-fits-most diaphragm that doesn’t require a fitting and works for most women.

Here are a few reasons that some women prefer Caya over traditional diaphragms:

Get Your Replacement Diaphragm Today

If you’re ready to upgrade to the no-fitting-required diaphragm, we can facilitate that. My Virtual Physician has partnered with Caya to provide this hassle-free birth control option to our patients who desire it.

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The truth About Kegals & Bladder Leaks

You may have heard of doing Kegels to improve your sex life, but did you know that these intimate exercises can help improve bowel and bladder problems too? If you’ve got bladder leaks when you cough, laugh, or sneeze, then doctor-approved Kegels may help. Let’s explore the truth about Kegels.

What are Kegels?

The term “Kegels” was coined in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Henry Kegel. He was a specialist looking for a natural remedy for urinary incontinence. Kegels are a category of exercises that are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles can be identified easily by stopping the flow of urine while peeing.

A woman’s pelvic floor muscles and tissues are similar to a hammock, supporting these organs inside her pelvis from underneath:

Pelvic floor exercises were originally developed to target this group of muscles that weaken with aging, pregnancy, and prolapse in women and to prevent and treat certain types of incontinence, including stress urinary incontinence.

To help gauge the effectiveness of Kegel exercises for the treatment of urinary incontinence, Dr. Kegel invented the perineometer, a device that measures the strength of contractions of the pelvic muscles. This device also helps trained physical therapists validate that female patients are performing the exercises correctly.

Related: Why Do I Get Bladder Leaks When I Cough and What Can I Do About it?

Bladder Exercises for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Now that you know that Kegels are just a group of pelvic exercises, let’s talk about specific exercises and programs that are often used to treat stress urinary incontinence.

Anyone can add Kegels to their daily routine to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. As with any exercise program, start out small and work your way up to longer durations and if you experience any discomfort, stop and discuss it with your doctor. Before you begin, empty your bladder.

There are two main Kegel exercises to work on from home, they include:

  1. Long Hold
  2. Short Muscle Contractions

Alternating between the long and short contraction exercises is recommended for best results.

Long-Hold Kegels

Long-hold exercises require you to tense your pelvic floor muscles constantly for several seconds, release, and then repeat. Starting out, you can go with:

Continue this on a daily basis once per day. Once you get into a routine, you can increase to 10 seconds of contraction, 10 seconds of release, and 10 reps. After that, you can further increase your pelvic floor muscle tone by adding up to three sessions of 10 reps per day.

Short-Muscle Kegels

Short Kegels work out the same group of muscles, but the contraction period is much shorter, at one or two seconds. These are especially effective at improving bladder sphincter function. As with long-hold pelvic floor exercises, you can start small and work your way up to three sets of 10 seconds per day.

While you complete these exercises, be sure to continue breathing and avoid tensing other muscles in your body, such as your abdomen. You can add intensity to your routine by performing the exercises in different positions: sitting, standing, or lying down.

For consistency, associate these exercises with certain times of the day or write them down. For example, you may designate the first pee of the day as your time to complete your Kegels—after you’ve emptied your bladder and while you’re still on the toilet.

Related: Stop Bladder Leaks: Get Your Life Back with This Doctor-Approved Device

How Do I Know if Pelvic Floor Muscle Training is Working?

It usually takes about a month to notice an improvement once you consistently exercise your pelvic floor muscles. That means that you’ll want to commit to a solid month before deciding if it worked or not, but the recommended minimum training period is eight weeks.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing Kegel exercises on your own, struggle with consistency, or you’re still not sure you are doing it right, you’re not alone. Studies have shown that treatment is more effective when you complete these pelvic exercises in a supervised plan. Work with your doctor to find a physical therapist (called a pelvic floor therapist) who will personalize a plan to fit your unique anatomy.

Signs that the Kegels are working include:

Beyond the Kegels

While it’s true that Kegels are effective at preventing and treating stress urinary incontinence, not every woman is able to contract the pelvic muscles correctly. Three out of ten women are unable to perform Kegel exercises properly. If this is you, other effective options are available for treating SUI. A few other natural solutions to leaky bladders include to:

Pessaries can be used alongside performing Kegels or as a standalone solution. These small devices are inserted into the vagina in order to support your anatomy and keep your pelvic organs and muscles aligned to reduce leaks.

If you’d like to try a pessary for your leaky bladder, My Virtual Physician has partnered with Uresta to provide a solution to stress urinary incontinence. Book an appointment today to get your bladder back under your control.

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When it comes to family planning and pregnancy prevention, you’ve got options. In fact, you’ve got twenty options. There are 20 different contraceptive methods to choose from today. From birth control pills to patches, rings, or condoms, there’s bound to be a method that works best for you.

One of these methods is making a comeback. It’s been around for centuries and got placed on the back burner for a while, but it’s starting to gain traction again. It’s the diaphragm.

Diaphragms offer benefits that other methods lack. Let’s see why women are starting to take a second look at using a diaphragm for their chosen method of birth control.

Women are Sick of Side Effects Caused by Hormonal Birth Control

When choosing a birth control method, we may have taken for granted the simplicity of the diaphragm. As a barrier method, its job is to block sperm from entering the cervix. That’s it. The great thing about this simple method is that it comes with very few side effects, if any at all.

Hormonal birth control methods, like the pill, were introduced in the 1960s and offered a better effectiveness rating than barrier methods. But what we didn’t take into consideration when making the switch to hormone-altering contraceptives was the addition of harmful side effects.

Many women are now facing all sorts of negative side effects from hormonal contraceptives, which include:

Diaphragms offer an alternative to hormonal contraceptives without serious side effects. The short list of potential side effects from diaphragms includes the possibility of irritation, allergic reaction, increased risk of UTIs and vaginal infections, or toxic shock syndrome in rare cases.

Couples Want to Be in Control of Their Fertility

Another factor at play for the increase in popularity of the diaphragm is when it comes to fertility. Diaphragms require no waiting period once you’re ready to try to conceive. This barrier method is immediately reversible, so once you stop using it, you are good to go. That’s because diaphragms do not alter your body’s natural reproductive cycle. Women who use a diaphragm continue to ovulate normally.

That is in direct opposition to other non-barrier contraceptive options, which in a sense, “break” the body’s normal cycles in order to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives alter a woman’s reproductive hormones, and it takes a while for her body to return to normal after discontinuing birth control. Here’s how long you may have to wait for your fertility to return after discontinuing hormonal birth control:

Couples are switching to the diaphragm so that they can be in charge of their own fertility.


Related: Diaphragms as Birth Control: A Couple’s Perspective on Barrier Methods 


Diaphragms Solve a Problem for People Who Can’t Tolerate Medications, Injections, or Painful Procedures

Diaphragms are easy and painless. Similar to a condom, you just use it when you need it. Before you have sex, you put it in. If you’re not having sex, you don’t need to use it. That’s what makes the diaphragm a great solution for those of us who don’t want to have to have to:

All of these uncomfortable, annoying situations can be avoided completely for those of us who decide to use a diaphragm for our contraceptive method.

Diaphragms Offer a More Natural Method of Birth Control

It seems that culture is trending back toward natural products, foods, and other choices. So it follows that natural birth control should also gain in popularity. Since diaphragms do not alter your body’s chemistry, they can be considered natural, along with the other non-hormonal methods. While you may hear people say that natural birth control methods are not as effective, keep in mind that when you combine diaphragms with other family planning strategies, like fertility awareness-based methods, it can significantly increase effectiveness.


Related: 5 Tips to Supercharge Your Contraceptive Diaphragm’s Effectiveness


Who Should Avoid Using a Diaphragm?

While many couples are turning to the diaphragm to meet their contraceptive needs, there are some women who should avoid this method of birth control. If any of the situations listed here apply to you, then  you might want to seek another alternative to the diaphragm:

Making the Switch to the Diaphragm

If you’ve ever considered trying a diaphragm, now may be one of the best times in history to try it out. A new type of diaphragm was released on the market within the last decade. It comes in a one-size-fits-most model and patients are able to skip that awkward in-person fitting that is required with the older style diaphragms.

My Virtual Physician has partnered with Caya to streamline the process of getting your diaphragm prescription fulfilled so that this new method of contraception is readily available to you.

Take charge of your reproductive health today and schedule your appointment to discuss contraceptive options that work for you.

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Imagine you’re at work, having a good laugh with coworkers. Suddenly, you feel something down below. Did you just pee yourself? It happens once, and you think… maybe it’s just a one-time thing. But then it continues to get worse over the next year and happens while coughing and sneezing, too. What’s going on?

It’s called stress incontinence. And while it’s not a normal part of aging, it is common. In fact, 4 in 10 women over the age of 40 deal with some form of urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence is the most common type for women. Let’s learn more about what causes these bladder leaks when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.

What is Stress Incontinence?

Think of stress incontinence like a water balloon that is held closed with your finger and thumb but not closed. The balloon is your bladder, the water is your urine, and your fingers are holding your bladder sphincter muscles closed, keeping the liquid in. When you squeeze the balloon hard enough, the water squirts out. The bladder works in a similar manner.

Stress urinary incontinence, also abbreviated SUI, happens when too much pressure pushes urine out of your bladder. Pressure happens when you tense your abdominal muscles; which happens every time you laugh, cough, and sneeze. It can also happen when you bend, lift, or jump.

What Causes Stress Urinary Incontinence?

As we age, have babies, or undergo surgery, our muscles tend to lose muscle tone and bodyparts don’t always stay where they should. SUI is usually caused by weakened pelvic muscles. Those aren’t the only risk factors that can cause or worsen stress urinary incontinence. Here are a few more:

What Can I Do to Stop a Leaky Bladder When I Cough?

The great news about stress urinary incontinence is that there are plenty of natural ways to treat and prevent it. Let’s review some things that you try.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Since the problem is usually caused by weak muscles, the first solution to try is muscle strengthening exercises. But how in the world do you strengthen your bladder muscles? It’s not actually your bladder, but your pelvic floor muscles that you’ll want to pay attention to. You can find common pelvic floor exercises online or work with your doctor to come up with personalized exercises to improve your pelvic muscle tone.

Lifestyle Changes

Other natural ways to deal with the problem include using the restroom more often so that there is less urine in your bladder and it’s less likely to be pushed out with increased physical pressure from laughing or coughing. You could also try tensing your pelvic floor muscles before laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

Losing weight, drinking less caffeine, quitting smoking, and drinking less in general are also lifestyle changes that could reduce your incontinence.

Ask Your Doctor About a Pessary

If these methods don’t work for you, there is another option on the table for most women: a pessary. Pessaries are medical devices that are inserted into the vaginal canal to help support the structure of pelvic organs, tissues, and muscles. It provides extra support to the bladder and sphincters to keep them in the correct position and reduce the chance of stress incontinence.


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My Virtual Physician has partnered with Uresta to provide a fitting-free pessary option to our patients who want to manage their stress urinary incontinence. If you’ve got a leaky bladder and want to explore your options, set up an appointment with our doctors today so that we can get you back to feeling yourself again.


If all else fails and you can’t reduce or treat your stress urinary incontinence with the above methods, surgery is another solution on the table. The surgical solutions to SUI include injections, urethral slings, or colposuspension. Injections are the least invasive option and can be done in a doctor’s office. The other two surgical options can be done laparoscopically. Your doctor can help you decide which type of surgical treatment might be best for your situation.

Sealing Up the Leaks

Living with bladder leaks when you cough, laugh, or sneeze puts a real damper on life. Luckily, there are many solutions to treat stress urinary incontinence so that you can get back to enjoying life to its fullest. Get in touch with My Virtual Physician if you want personalized SUI treatment.


Prenatal vitamins are supplements specially formulated for pregnant women to supply the needed vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are necessary for the health of both mother and baby.

A healthy diet is the best way to get these vitamins and minerals. However, taking prenatal vitamins help cover any nutritional gaps in your diet. Moreso, you may require more than your diet may offer during pregnancy.

Before you take any prenatal vitamin, discuss it with your healthcare provider. You may also contact us at My Virtual Physician.

What to Look for in Prenatal Vitamins

During pregnancy, there are certain vitamins and minerals you need more than ever. These vitamins and minerals are what to look out for when buying prenatal vitamins.

These vitamins and minerals include:

Folic Acid

Folic acid is perhaps the most important ingredient in a prenatal vitamin. Folic acid is a vitamin B that helps prevent neural tube defects (NTDs). Neural tube defects are birth defects of the brain and spine.

Experts recommend that women of childbearing age get 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. This is because neural tube defects develop early in pregnancy, even before many women know they are pregnant.

You can get folic acid naturally from green leafy vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits, and beans.


Your body needs to make extra red blood cells when pregnant. These red blood cells help carry oxygen around your body and to your baby. Iron is an essential mineral that helps your body make more red blood cells.

Also, iron helps prevent anemia, a condition where your blood has a low number of healthy red blood cells. You should get 27 milligrams of iron every day.


Calcium is important for you and your baby. Calcium is vital to the growth and development of bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and organs in your baby. If you do not have enough calcium, you may suffer bone density loss and increase your risk of osteoporosis later in life.

You should get at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps promote healthy bones, teeth, eyes, and skin. It also improves your and your baby's immunity. You need about 600IU of vitamin D every day.

Food sources of vitamin D include fortified dairy products, fatty fish (salmon and mackerel), fish liver oils, and egg yolks.


Iodine is important for developing your baby's brain, bones, and nervous system. Also, mothers need iodine for adequate thyroid function. 

Iodine deficiency has been linked to miscarriage, preterm delivery, stillbirth, stunted physical growth, and congenital abnormalities.

During pregnancy, you need 220 micrograms of iodine daily. Iodine can be found in dairy products, seafood, and eggs.

B vitamins

B vitamins, including B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid), and B12, are key nutrients during pregnancy. These vitamins give you energy, help with nausea (morning sickness), improve your baby's nervous system, help build the placenta, and promote good vision.

Good sources of B vitamins include liver, whole-grain cereal, bananas, chicken, beans, and pork.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C promotes iron absorption and fortifies your immune system. It also helps develop your baby's skin, bones, joints, and connective tissue. Vitamin C can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables. You should get at least 85 mg of vitamin C daily.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A promotes eye development, good vision, and a healthy immune system in your baby. 

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help promote your baby's brain development, reduce your risk of preterm delivery, and having a baby with low birth weight. Omega-3 fatty acids occur naturally in fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed, kidney beans, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.


Choline (about 450mg daily) is necessary for healthy brain growth in your baby. Although your body can make some choline, you get most of it from your diet. Foods rich in choline include eggs, fish, soy products, chicken, beef, peanut, and pork.

Contact Us

A visit to us helps you get your prenatal care started while you await your appointment with your local OB doctor. Your virtual physician can help to electronically order prenatal care labs and/or send an order to the nearest radiology facility for you to get an ultrasound.

At My Virtual Physician, we are available to help guide you through your pregnancy and answer any questions that may arise. We are in network with many insurance health plans, including Medicaid, Medicare, United HealthCare, and Blue Cross. 

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Having pain “down there” isn’t normal. But it’s also not totally unheard of either; in fact, up to 16% of women may suffer from a specific type of pain in their vaginal region called vulvodynia. Vulvodynia is a condition that causes pain in a woman’s vulva, the outside part of the female’s lady parts. Unfortunately, many women suffer silently with their vaginal pain. In this blog, our Las Vegas gynecology team has taken the time to shed some light on this sensitive subject.

What are the Different Types of Vaginal Pain?

The female anatomy is complex, and there’s a lot of moving parts to consider. Vaginal pain isn’t the same for all women, and it may not even be in the same region of the reproductive organs for every patient. Let’s cover where vaginal pain often occurs by categorizing the types.


Vulvodynia is a chronic, burning pain of the vulva that continues for more than a quarter of a year. Others have described it as stinging, rawness, or throbbing. It’s sometimes accompanied by swelling. The symptoms vary greatly from person to person, and there’s no clear cause. However, suspected culprits may include:


Painful sexual intercourse that interferes with sexual function is called dyspareunia. While it can affect both men and women, here, we’re only talking about vaginal pain during sex. This is usually described as a sharp, intense pain that is tied to sexual activity, whether it’s during, or soon before or after the act. Others describe it as dull or aching. This pain in women can be located either in the vagina or the urinary organs. It’s sometimes accompanied by other irritating symptoms like burning and itching. There is a long list of possible causes for this condition:


There’s a third type of vaginal pain that is called vaginismus. With vaginismus, the muscles inside the vagina spasm uncontrollably. It can interfere with sexual intercourse and cause severe pain, burning, and stinging, sometimes even making penetration impossible. The causes are often tracked back to physical trauma or emotional fears.

Vaginal Pain Caused by Another Illness

Sometimes, your pain won’t fit into any of the above categories. When that happens, it could mean that your vaginal discomfort is caused by something else. Current infections, genetics, hormonal changes, cancer, cysts, or polyps are all factors that increase your chances of experiencing vaginal pain. If you’re struggling to relieve your vaginal pain, our Las Vegas team of gynecologists at My Virtual Physician is here to help.

Self-Care Tips to Relieve Vaginal Pain

The first step to relieving your vaginal pain is to take detailed notes. Start a pain diary and write down your pain level throughout the day. You can use your pain diary to narrow down the pattern and cause of your vaginal pain. Take note of what helps versus what worsens your pain. Don’t forget to include the foods that you eat and the activities you participate in.

While you’re making your pain diary—you can try these tips to provide vaginal pain relief:

RELATED: Top 5 Tips to Maintain Vaginal Health: Things You Were Never Told

How to Cure Vaginal Pain

If documenting your vaginal pain and making small lifestyle changes listed above don’t work, don’t despair. There are still plenty of treatment options to cure, or at least manage, your vaginal pain.

Some women have found that biofeedback and physical therapy can help strengthen pelvic muscles, providing some vaginal pain relief caused by poor muscle tone.

If you need more immediate results, you might consider some medications that can bring vulvar pain relief, including topical anesthetics for numbing, hormonal creams, or even some antidepressants. Medications that treat vaginal dryness may also be helpful in treating dyspareunia. Some topical corticosteroid creams may also relieve vaginal pain. Talk with your doctor about what pain-relief method is right for you.

If physical therapy or medication is not for you, there is another option on the table. Believe it or not, sexual therapy is often an effective method to reduce vaginal pain, especially when it has a psychological component due to past trauma.

End Your Vaginal Pain

Nobody deserves to live in pain. If you’re suffering from any sort of vaginal pain, don’t keep it secret. Talk confidentially to our online board-certified OBGYNs to get help and relief. Schedule your appointment today.

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Diaphragms come in sixth place when it comes to contraceptive effectiveness with typical use. Check out the lineup of current pregnancy prevention methods recognized by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and see how they rank up below.


Effectiveness Ranking Contraceptive Method Pregnancies per 100 

Users in 1st Year

1 Implant .05 99.95%
2 Sterilization (Permanent) .2 to .5 99.5 to 99.8%
3 IUD .2 to .8 99.2 to 99.8%
4 Injection (Hormonal) 6 94%
(tied with patch & ring) Pill 9 91%
(tied with pill & ring) Patch 9 91%
5  (tied with pill & patch) Vaginal Ring 9 91%
6 Diaphragm 12 88%
7 Male Condom 18 82%
8 Female Condom 21 79%
9 Cervical Cap 17 to 23 77-83%
10 Sponge 12 to 24 76-88%
11 Natural Fertility Awareness 24 76%
12 Spermicide (alone) 28 72%


You’ll see that the contraceptive diaphragm is around the middle of the pack when it comes to preventing pregnancy. But it doesn’t necessarily have to get stuck in the middle—there are several ways to supercharge your diaphragm’s efficacy to move it further up the list, creating a closer-to-perfect method of birth control. Let’s see how it’s done.

Tip #1: Combine Contraceptive Methods

Even if you’re not any good at math, it’s easy to see how combining different contraceptive methods can make your chances of pregnancy plummet. So if a diaphragm has an effectiveness of 88% and male condoms have an effectiveness of 82%, using a diaphragm with a condom will drastically improve your protection against pregnancy, with the added bonus of shielding you from certain STDs.

You can get even better results from using the diaphragm together with a hormonal contraceptive. Talk to your doctor about your options and never combine multiple hormonal contraceptives (see chart: all of the methods above the diaphragm are hormonal, except sterilization).

Diaphragms are versatile and can be used with many other contraceptive methods, including natural family planning methods like the FAM or FAB methods. Even the withdrawal method (also known as “coitus interruptus” or “pulling out”) will significantly increase your diaphragm’s success rate. Combining other contraceptive methods with your diaphragm is a surefire way to amp up your pregnancy prevention effectiveness.

Related: Natural Birth Control: Fertility Awareness Pregnancy Prevention

Tip #2: Use Spermicide

Using spermicide with a diaphragm is a MUST. That’s because sperm can survive inside a woman’s body for up to two days. That means that simply barricading the cervix with a diaphragm alone for six hours after ejaculation may not block or remove all sperm. Spermicide kills sperm and it takes around six hours to get the job done. That brings us to tip #3.

Tip #3: Put it in & Take it out at the Right Time

Never remove your diaphragm less than six hours after sex. Doing so puts you at risk for pregnancy since the spermicide may not have killed all the sperm, meaning some live sperm may still be left inside your body. Carefully read your diaphragm’s instructions for timing when to insert and when to remove it.

For insertion, you need to know that spermicide is most effective if applied less than two hours before sex. If you insert the diaphragm earlier than this, you can add more spermicide.

Tip #4: Use Your Diaphragm Every Time You Have Sex

As with all birth control methods, consistency is key. Since we’re all human, it’s possible that sometimes we aren’t perfect. That’s why many studies show two rates for effectiveness: typical vs. perfect use. Typical allows for human error, while perfect is reserved for those who have immense self-control. For example, the Caya Contoured Diaphragm has an effectiveness of 86% for those who use it perfectly every time and 82% for typical use. Using your diaphragm every time you have sex, and following the instructions perfectly, can increase the effectiveness by up to 4% for this particular type of diaphragm.

Tip #5: Make Sure it’s in Place

Our final tip for maximizing your diaphragm’s pregnancy-preventing powers is to make sure it’s in place properly. Inserting a diaphragm can definitely take some getting used to and practice makes perfect. There are some things you can do to verify that you’ve got it in right.

Once you’ve inserted your diaphragm based on the instructions provided, you can feel with a finger to verify that your cervix is covered by the diaphragm’s barrier material. Another way to check that your diaphragm is correctly placed is to move around—squat, jump, twist, and turn! You shouldn’t be able to feel the diaphragm and it shouldn’t get dislodged with movement. If you can check these boxes off, you’ve got it inserted correctly.

Related: Diaphragms as a Contraceptive: What’s It Like to Use One?

My Virtual Physician is Here to Help with Family Planning

Pregnancy prevention is an important part of women’s health. Birth control should be effective and manageable without causing you any additional health problems. My Virtual physician is here to help you find the method that works best with your body. If you’re considering the diaphragm or any other methods, reach out to our team today to discuss your options and get your prescription.

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Smoking is bad for anyone, pregnant or not. However, if you smoke, you should quit once you become pregnant or find out you are pregnant.

There is no "safe" level of smoking during pregnancy. Cigarettes contain nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other toxins that affect your and your baby's health when inhaled. When you smoke during pregnancy, you:

How about Secondhand Smoking?

Secondhand smoking happens when you inhale smoke from a burning cigarette and smoke exhaled by a smoker. Secondhand smoking, also known as passive smoking, is more harmful than smoking itself. The reason is that the smoke from the end of the cigarette or exhaled by the smoker contains more harmful poisons than the smoke inhaled by the smoker.

If you are exposed to secondhand smoke, you and your baby are at risk of health complications before, during, and after your baby is born. These include low birth weight, stillbirth, congenital disabilities, respiratory problems, allergies, ear infections, and many others.

When pregnant and after childbirth, don't let anyone smoke in your house, car, or anywhere around you. Also, avoid going to places where people smoke.

How Can I Quit Smoking Before or During Pregnancy?

If you are finding it hard to quit smoking, you can talk to us at My Virtual Physician or your health care provider. We will provide information about smoking cessation programs that can help you.

You may also want to put the following measures in place:

How Do I Deal with Withdrawal Symptoms? 

Nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes that your body gets used to. When you quit smoking, you may manifest withdrawal symptoms. These include:

Withdrawal symptoms are often transient. They are strongest during the first week after quitting and go away within two weeks. It may, however, last for a month or a few more for some people.

Dealing with withdrawal symptoms requires discipline, and you can get all the support you need. You can try the following to help you:

You may experience frequent urges to smoke even after quitting, and the withdrawal symptoms disappear. Don't give in to the cravings. They are short-lived and will go away on their own. 

If you relapse into smoking after quitting, don't lose hope. Quit again.

Contact us

A visit to us helps you get your prenatal care started while you await your appointment with your local OB doctor. Your virtual physician can help to electronically order prenatal care labs and/or send an order to the nearest radiology facility for you to get an ultrasound.

At My Virtual Physician, we are available to help guide you through your pregnancy and answer any questions that may arise. We are in network with many insurance health plans, including Medicaid, Medicare, United HealthCare, and Blue Cross.

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