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Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology: Abnormal Periods

April 29, 2020

Experiencing Abnormal or Irregular Periods

As a young woman, have you ever been asked whether you have experienced abnormal menstrual bleeding? You may be wondering–how do I even know if my period is normal or abnormal? When someone asks you if your period is abnormal, what they’re really asking, in simpler terms, is has your period ever happened:

● More than once a month
● With spotting between periods
● Less than once a month
● With excessive bleeding or clots

Your doctor may tell you that an irregular cycle once or twice over a period of years is not too concerning. Even so, I think all of us girls can think of a moment in our lives when we were bleeding even though we were not supposed to be. Immediate panic ran through our minds, with each of us asking the question, am I okay? Is the bleeding ever going to stop?

Then again, we remember that it’s not that uncommon for our bodies to get out of whack during this time of accelerated bodily growth and maturity. We know girlfriends who have had irregular periods, so should we even be concerned enough to see a doctor? At what point do irregular or inconsistent periods become more alarming, or even life-threatening? What is the tipping point and which warning signs should trigger us to seek help? Experiencing abnormal periods as a teenage girl can be scary. Knowing more about what’s going on with your body would certainly be helpful in the event that you ever have to deal with abnormal periods.

Doctor's Response:

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