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With a one-day-only special on April 20th (4/20), My Virtual Physician is extending a major discount on physician consultations for medical cannabis cards, making access to this alternative treatment more accessible than ever before.

For individuals battling chronic diseases, the decision to explore medical cannabis is often fraught with questions and uncertainties. Will it truly alleviate their symptoms? How does one navigate the legalities surrounding its use? Where can they find a trustworthy healthcare provider knowledgeable in this realm? My Virtual Physician aims to address these concerns head-on, providing a seamless and supportive experience for patients seeking relief.

The significance of April 20th, or 4/20, in cannabis culture is well-known. It's a day where enthusiasts and advocates come together to celebrate the plant and advocate for its medicinal properties. My Virtual Physician's decision to host a special event on this day underscores their commitment to destigmatizing medical cannabis and promoting its therapeutic potential in managing chronic conditions.

During this exclusive event, all consultations for medical cannabis cards will be offered at the reduced rate of $49.99, down from the standard $75. This significant discount not only makes the process more affordable but also encourages individuals to take the first step towards exploring this alternative treatment option under the guidance of qualified healthcare professionals.

Beyond the immediate benefits of this 4/20 special, My Virtual Physician's initiative holds broader implications for healthcare accessibility and patient empowerment. By reducing barriers to entry and offering discounted consultations, we are championing inclusivity and affordability in the realm of medical cannabis treatment.

As the stigma surrounding cannabis continues to erode and its medicinal value gains recognition, initiatives like My Virtual Physician's 4/20 special serve as catalysts for positive change. By fostering informed discussions, facilitating access to care, and prioritizing patient well-being, they are paving the way for a more compassionate and comprehensive approach to healthcare.

In conclusion, My Virtual Physician's exclusive 4/20 special for medical cannabis cards represents a landmark opportunity for individuals grappling with chronic diseases. By making consultations more accessible and affordable, we are empowering patients to explore alternative treatment options and reclaim control over their health and well-being. As we look towards a future of progressive healthcare practices, initiatives like this serve as beacons of hope, illuminating the path towards a more holistic approach to healing.

Introverted Intuition (Ni) is a cognitive function characterized by a focus on insight, foresight, and understanding underlying patterns and meanings. 

Personality types dominant in Ni include: INTJ, INFJ. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Ni and excel at the careers and tasks that require Ni.

For teens seeking clarity in career choices, understanding how Ni influences their thinking can be pivotal in finding a path that resonates deeply with their inner vision. Here's how Introverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value strategic thinking, vision, and deep insight:

Understanding the influence of Introverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value strategic thinking, vision, and deep insight. By recognizing their natural strengths in anticipating future trends, understanding underlying patterns, and envisioning long-term possibilities, teens can explore opportunities in strategic planning, research and development, creative direction, psychology, counseling, leadership, or other fields that align with their Ni preferences, leading to fulfilling and impactful careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Navigating the complexities of science courses requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses analytical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Understanding how each of the eight Jungian functions can contribute to academic success in science is crucial for students aiming to excel in these subjects. Let’s explore how each function can be utilized to enhance performance in science courses:

  1. Introverted Thinking (Ti): Introverted Thinking focuses on analyzing information internally and understanding the underlying "why's" and "how's" behind everything. Students who rely on Ti can excel in science by dissecting complex concepts, identifying patterns, and formulating logical explanations. They benefit from breaking down problems into smaller components, organizing their thoughts systematically, and developing comprehensive theories.
  2. Extroverted Thinking (Te): Extroverted Thinking emphasizes logical results and objective analysis of external data. Students who favor Te excel in science by approaching problems methodically, setting clear goals, and implementing efficient strategies to achieve results. They thrive in structured environments, where they can apply systematic approaches to experimentation, data interpretation, and decision-making.
  3. Introverted Feeling (Fi): Introverted Feeling focuses on understanding personal values and emotional responses. While it may seem less directly applicable to science, students with a strong Fi can excel by connecting with their passion for discovery and making meaningful contributions to scientific research. They benefit from pursuing topics aligned with their values, exploring moral considerations in science, and advocating for causes they believe in.
  4. Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Extroverted Feeling emphasizes understanding and responding to the emotions of others. Students who utilize Fe can excel in science by fostering collaborative environments, building strong relationships with peers and mentors, and effectively communicating their ideas. They thrive in group projects, where they can leverage their interpersonal skills to facilitate teamwork and consensus-building.
  5. Introverted Sensing (Si): Introverted Sensing focuses on recalling past experiences and applying established procedures. Students with a strong Si can excel in science by drawing on their memory for details, following lab protocols accurately, and organizing information in a structured manner. They benefit from reviewing previous experiments, identifying trends, and applying lessons learned to new situations.
  6. Extroverted Sensing (Se): Extroverted Sensing emphasizes engaging with the present environment and gathering concrete data through sensory experiences. Students who favor Se excel in science by actively observing phenomena, conducting hands-on experiments, and exploring the tangible aspects of scientific concepts. They thrive in lab settings, where they can immerse themselves in practical applications of theory.
  7. Introverted Intuition (Ni): Introverted Intuition focuses on synthesizing insights and envisioning possibilities internally. Students with a strong Ni can excel in science by predicting outcomes, anticipating future trends, and generating innovative solutions to complex problems. They benefit from exploring interdisciplinary approaches, planning strategically, and working toward meaningful, longlasting outcomes.
  8. Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Extroverted Intuition emphasizes exploring possibilities and generating ideas through external stimuli. Students who utilize Ne excel in science by brainstorming creative solutions, exploring alternative hypotheses, and embracing experimentation. They thrive in environments that encourage exploration and innovation, where they can contribute fresh perspectives and adapt to changing circumstances.

Incorporating these Jungian functions into your approach to science education can enhance your academic performance and foster a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. By recognizing your natural preferences and strengths, you can tailor your study habits, collaborate effectively with peers, and embrace diverse perspectives, ultimately setting yourself up for success in your scientific endeavors.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

High school English courses offer students the opportunity to explore literature, develop critical thinking skills, and hone their writing abilities. Each Myers-Briggs personality type brings distinct strengths to the study of English, which can be instrumental in excelling in these classes.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) outlines 16 types of personalities. Each personality type has its own set of traits, preferences, and tendencies, which can significantly influence parenting styles. The personality types are based on 4 dichotomies:

Let’s explore how each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types can excel in high school English courses:

  1. ISTJ: ISTJs may at first struggle to grasp with abstract concepts and thematic analysis taught in English courses. However, their attention to detail, memory, and structured approach can help them analyze literary texts systematically, which can help them improve their thematic analyses. ISTJs benefit from creating organized study guides and meticulously crafting essays with well-supported arguments.
  2. ISFJ: Similar to ISTJs, ISFJs may struggle with abstract concepts and thematic analysis. However, they can excel in high school English by combining their empathy and appreciation for storytelling. They excel in understanding characters' emotions and motivations, making them adept at character analysis. ISFJs can benefit from engaging in group discussions to gain different perspectives and incorporating personal experiences into their interpretations of texts.
  3. INFJ: INFJs have a strong intuitive awareness that helps them excel in high school English subjects. They possess a deep understanding of symbolism and enjoy exploring the underlying messages in literature. INFJs benefit from expressing their insights through creative writing and engaging in deep discussions about the social and moral implications of literary works. Their keenness to others' emotions also makes them adept at understanding characters' emotions and motivations.
  4. INTJ: INTJs also have strong intuition that helps them excel in high school English. They thrive in dissecting literary theories and exploring the philosophical underpinnings of texts. INTJs benefit from pursuing independent research projects and crafting well-reasoned arguments in their essays. Their keenness to their own emotions and strategic planning for their goals also makes them excellent predictors, and they will often excel at predicting how plots may pan out and how character decisions may affect the trajectory of the story.
  5. ISTP: ISTPs can excel in high school English subjects through their analytical skills and pragmatic approach. They enjoy deconstructing narratives and examining how authors craft their stories. ISTPs benefit from engaging in hands-on activities, such as creative writing exercises and multimedia presentations, to deepen their understanding of literary techniques.
  6. ISFP: ISFPs can excel in high school English by bringing their artistic sensibilities to their studies. They enjoy exploring the imagery and symbolism in literature and expressing themselves through creative writing. ISFPs benefit from incorporating visual arts into their interpretations of texts and exploring how emotions influence storytelling.
  7. INFP: INFPs can excel in high school English subjects by integrating their imagination and empathy. They have a keen appreciation for poetry and enjoy exploring the deeper meaning behind literary works. INFPs benefit from incorporating their personal values and experiences into their analyses and engaging in reflective writing exercises.
  8. INTP: INTPs can excel in high school English due to their analytical thinking and love of abstract concepts. They enjoy dissecting complex literary theories and exploring alternative interpretations of texts. INTPs benefit from engaging in debates about literary themes and experimenting with different writing styles to express their ideas.
  9. ESTP: ESTPs have an adaptable nature and enjoy experimenting with narrative techniques. ESTPs benefit from engaging in interactive discussions and incorporating multimedia elements into their presentations to enhance their understanding of literary works.
  10. ESFP: ESFPs can excel in high school English by bringing energy and enthusiasm to their studies. They enjoy exploring the emotional depth of literary works and connecting with characters on a personal level. ESFPs benefit from incorporating creative projects, such as acting out scenes or creating multimedia presentations, to deepen their engagement with texts.
  11. ENFP: ENFPs can excel in high school English subjects by integrating their creativity and curiosity. They enjoy exploring diverse literary genres and making connections between different works. ENFPs benefit from engaging in group discussions and collaborative writing projects to explore new ideas and perspectives.
  12. ENTP: ENTPs can excel in high school English due to their innovative thinking and love of intellectual challenges. They enjoy analyzing texts from multiple angles and engaging in debates about literary interpretations. ENTPs benefit from pursuing independent research projects and exploring avant-garde literary movements to expand their horizons.
  13. ESTJ: ESTJs have strong work ethic and organizational skills. They excel in analyzing classic literature and applying literary theories to textual analysis. ESTJs benefit from creating structured study plans and actively participating in class discussions to deepen their understanding of literary concepts.
  14. ESFJ: ESFJs have great interpersonal skills and attention to detail. They excel in understanding the social dynamics of literary works and empathizing with characters' experiences. ESFJs benefit from collaborating with peers on group projects and incorporating real-life examples into their analyses of texts.
  15. ENFJ: ENFJs excel in high school English subjects by combining their charisma and empathy. They have a deep appreciation for literature that explores human relationships and societal issues. ENFJs benefit from leading group discussions and organizing literary events to foster a sense of community and engagement among their peers.
  16. ENTJ: ENTJs excel in high school English due to their leadership skills and strategic mindset. They enjoy analyzing literary works from a critical perspective and developing persuasive arguments in their essays. ENTJs benefit from taking on leadership roles in group projects and guiding their peers to achieve academic excellence.

Understanding your Myers-Briggs personality type can provide valuable insights into how you can excel in high school English courses. By leveraging your unique strengths and approaches to learning, you can deepen your appreciation for literature and develop essential skills for academic success.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

High school science subjects can be both fascinating and challenging, requiring a unique set of skills and approaches for success. Understanding how your teen’s personality type influences their learning styles and strengths can greatly enhance their performance in these classes. 

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) outlines 16 types of personalities. Each personality type has its own set of traits, preferences, and tendencies, which can significantly influence parenting styles. The personality types are based on 4 dichotomies:

Let’s explore how each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types can excel in high school science:

  1. ISTJ: ISTJs excel in high school science subjects due to their meticulous nature, strong memory, and attention to detail. They thrive in structured environments, making them adept at following lab protocols and conducting experiments accurately. Their strong sense of responsibility ensures they complete assignments on time and thoroughly review material, leading to solid understanding and retention of scientific concepts.
  2. ISFJ: ISFJs excel in high school science by combining their empathy and organizational skills. They often excel in biology, where they can apply their nurturing instincts to understand living organisms. ISFJs are diligent students who benefit from creating organized study plans and seeking clarification when needed. Their reliable nature ensures they are dependable lab partners and contribute positively to group projects.
  3. INFJ: INFJs excel in high school science subjects by integrating their intuition and independent thinking. They possess a deep understanding of complex scientific theories and enjoy exploring the philosophical implications of scientific discoveries. INFJs benefit from engaging in discussions with peers and teachers to deepen their understanding and broaden their perspectives. They are also very interested in the ethics of scientific research and application.
  4. INTJ: INTJs excel in high school science due to their analytical and strategic approach. They thrive in subjects like physics and chemistry, where they can apply logical reasoning to solve problems. INTJs benefit from setting ambitious goals for themselves and pursuing independent research projects to delve deeper into their interests.
  5. ISTP: ISTPs excel in high school science subjects because of their hands-on approach and natural curiosity. They enjoy experimenting with equipment and troubleshooting problems in the lab. ISTPs benefit from engaging in practical applications of scientific concepts and exploring how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.
  6. ISFP: ISFPs excel in high school science by combining their artistic sensibilities with scientific exploration. They enjoy subjects like environmental science and geology, where they can connect with nature and express their creativity. ISFPs benefit from incorporating visual aids and creative projects into their studies to enhance their understanding of scientific concepts.
  7. INFP: INFPs excel in high school science subjects by integrating their imagination and empathy. They enjoy exploring the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines and are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. INFPs benefit from incorporating their values into their scientific studies and advocating for causes they believe in.
  8. INTP: INTPs excel in high school science due to their analytical prowess and love of problem-solving. They thrive in subjects like computer science and mathematics, where they can apply logic and critical thinking skills. INTPs benefit from exploring theoretical concepts and engaging in debates to refine their understanding of scientific principles.
  9. ESTP: ESTPs excel in high school science subjects because of their hands-on approach and adaptability. They enjoy subjects like biology and anatomy, where they can engage in practical experiments and observe phenomena firsthand. ESTPs benefit from seeking out opportunities for real-world application of scientific concepts, such as internships, fieldwork, or extracurricular projects.
  10. ESFP: ESFPs excel in high school science by bringing energy and enthusiasm to their studies. They enjoy subjects like chemistry and astronomy, where they can marvel at the wonders of the universe. ESFPs benefit from incorporating interactive activities, group discussions, fieldwork, and hands-on activities into their studies to keep themselves engaged and motivated.
  11. ENFP: ENFPs excel in high school science subjects by integrating their creativity and curiosity. They enjoy exploring interdisciplinary topics and making connections between different scientific disciplines. ENFPs benefit when they can be creative with their experiments and have opportunities to collaborate with peers to explore new ideas and possibilities.
  12. ENTP: ENTPs excel in high school science due to their innovative thinking and love of intellectual challenges. They thrive in subjects like physics and engineering, where they can apply their creativity to solve complex problems or experiment innovatively. ENTPs benefit from pursuing independent research projects and participating in debates to sharpen their analytical skills.
  13. ESTJ: ESTJs excel in high school science subjects because of their strong work ethic and organizational skills. They enjoy subjects like chemistry and physiology, where they can apply systematic approaches to learning and problem-solving. ESTJs benefit from creating structured study plans and collaborating with peers to reinforce their understanding of scientific concepts.
  14. ESFJ: ESFJs excel in high school science by leveraging their interpersonal skills and attention to detail. They excel in subjects like anatomy and psychology, where they can apply their understanding of human behavior to scientific concepts. ESFJs benefit from collaborating with classmates and seeking feedback from teachers to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the material. They also love to help others get excited about the discoveries they make.
  15. ENFJ: ENFJs excel in high school science subjects by combining their charisma and empathy. They excel in subjects like biology and environmental science, where they can apply scientific principles to improve the well-being of others. ENFJs benefit from incorporating real-life examples and case studies into their studies to deepen their understanding of scientific concepts, and will find much enjoyment when they can inspire and emotionally influence others with the scientific discoveries they make.
  16. ENTJ: ENTJs excel in high school science due to their leadership skills and strategic mindset. They thrive in subjects like biochemistry and genetics, where they can apply their analytical thinking to understand complex biological systems. ENTJs benefit from setting ambitious goals for themselves and taking on leadership roles in group projects to drive success.

Each Myers-Briggs personality type brings unique strengths and approaches to high school science subjects. By understanding these traits and leveraging them effectively, students can excel in their scientific studies and develop a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Extraverted Intuition (Ne) is a cognitive function characterized by a focus on possibilities, creativity, and exploring new ideas. 

Personality types dominant in Ne include: ENTP, ENFP. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Ne and excel at the careers and tasks that require Ne.

For teens on the brink of choosing their career paths, understanding how Ne influences their thinking can open up a world of exciting opportunities. Here's how Extraverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value innovation, creativity, and adaptability:

Understanding the influence of Extraverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value creativity, innovation, and adaptability. By recognizing their natural strengths in generating ideas, exploring possibilities, and thinking creatively, teens can explore opportunities in entrepreneurship, creative industries, technology, consulting, media, journalism, or other fields that align with their Ne preferences, leading to fulfilling and dynamic careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


Introverted Sensing (Si) is a cognitive function characterized by a focus on past experiences, traditions, and details.

Personality types dominant in Si include: ISTJ, ISFJ. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Si and excel at the careers and tasks that require Si.

For teens embarking on the journey of career exploration, understanding how Si influences their perception and decision-making can provide valuable insights into finding a path that aligns with their strengths and preferences. Here's how Introverted Sensing can guide teens towards careers that value attention to detail, reliability, and a sense of tradition:

Understanding the influence of Introverted Sensing can guide teens towards careers that value attention to detail, reliability, and a sense of tradition. By recognizing their natural strengths in organizing information, following established procedures, and maintaining accuracy, teens can explore opportunities in healthcare, accounting, library sciences, administrative support, quality assurance, or other fields that align with their Si preferences, leading to fulfilling and stable careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Introverted Feeling (Fi) is a cognitive function that prioritizes internal values, emotions, and personal authenticity. 

Personality types dominant in Fi include: ISFP, INFP. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Fi and excel at the careers and tasks that require Fi.

For teens embarking on the journey of career exploration, understanding how Fi influences their decision-making can offer valuable insights into finding a fulfilling career path. Here's how Introverted Feeling can guide teens towards professions that resonate with their innermost selves:

In conclusion, understanding the influence of Introverted Feeling can guide teens towards careers that align with their values, passions, and sense of authenticity. By recognizing their innate empathy, compassion, and commitment to personal integrity, teens can explore opportunities in counseling, creative arts, social justice, humanitarian work, teaching, or mentoring, leading to fulfilling and purpose-driven careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Extraverted Thinking (Te) is a cognitive function characterized by a focus on external systems, organization, and efficiency. 

Personality types dominant in Te include: ESTJ, ENTJ. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Ti and excel at the careers and tasks that require Te.

For teens navigating the maze of career choices, understanding how Te influences their thinking can be illuminating and empowering. Here's how Extraverted Thinking can guide teens towards fulfilling career paths:

Understanding the power of Extraverted Thinking can guide teens towards career paths that align with their natural strengths and preferences. By recognizing their ability to organize, plan, and execute effectively, teens can explore opportunities in management, consulting, entrepreneurship, operations, or policy analysis, leading to fulfilling and successful careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


As parents, nurturing your children's cognitive-behavioral development is a priority. However, being proactive requires having a proper framework of understanding for how cognition works. 

According to Jungian psychology and evidence-based research on cognition and personality, we can understand our cognition through 8 categories of “cognitive functions.” This article will focus on 4 of the 8. 

Let's explore how parents can support their children in developing the healthy versions of these 4 functions while mitigating the risks associated with their unhealthy manifestations:

  1. Introverted Sensing (Si)

Definition: specific, concrete perception of inner world

Healthy Si: attention to detail, strong memory recall, and a sense of tradition and nostalgia. 

Unhealthy Si: becoming overly resistant to change or fixated on past experiences. 

Parents can nurture healthy Si by providing a stable and predictable environment, encouraging routines and rituals, and fostering an appreciation for history and tradition. 

Guard against unhealthy Si by helping your child honor and uphold lessons from the past while still being open to new experiences, adaptability, and flexibility.

  1. Extroverted Sensing (Se)

Definition: specific, concrete perception of outer world

Healthy Se: being present-focused, adventurous, and attuned to sensory experiences.

Unhealthy Se: sensory indulgence, hyperactivity, impulsivity, reckless behavior. 

Parents can support the healthy version of Se by encouraging outdoor activities, sports, and creative endeavors that engage the senses. 

Guard against unhealthy Se by teaching your child to balance spontaneity with consideration for consequences, patience, and self-discipline.

  1. Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Definition: Broad, plethoric perception of inner world

Healthy Ni: insight, foresight, philosophizing, visionary imagination for meaningful, innovative ideas. 

Unhealthy Ni: detachment from reality, neglect of present responsibilities, extreme frustration with unexpected outcomes

Parents can foster healthy Ni by encouraging imaginative play, exploring metaphors and symbolism, and providing opportunities for reflection, theorizing, philosophizing, and future planning. 

Guard against unhealthy Ni by helping your child balance their focus on their future goals with activities they can enjoy at the present time. Guide them to seek evidence and diverse perspectives before drawing theoretical conclusions.

  1. Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

Definition: Broad, plethoric perception of outer world

Healthy Ne: spontaneity, diversity, innovation, and adaptability.

Unhealthy Ne: scattered thinking, indecisiveness, disrespect for tradition, inability to adhere to routines 

Parents can support healthy Ne by encouraging curiosity, brainstorming activities, and exposure to diverse ideas and perspectives.

Guard against unhealthy Ne by helping your child think outside the box and try new things, without neglecting organization. 


My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Extraverted Sensing (Se) is a cognitive function that focuses on living in the present moment, experiencing the world through the senses, and taking action based on immediate surroundings. 

Personality types dominant in Se include: ESFP, ENFP. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Se and excel at the careers and tasks that require Se.

For teens seeking clarity in career choices, understanding how Se influences their perception and decision-making can be instrumental. Here's how Extraverted Sensing can guide teens towards career paths that align with their preference for hands-on experiences and tangible outcomes:

In conclusion, understanding the influence of Extraverted Sensing can guide teens towards careers that prioritize sensory experiences, action-oriented tasks, and tangible outcomes. By recognizing their natural inclination towards living in the present moment, embracing physical challenges, and seeking immediate gratification, teens can explore opportunities in sports, entrepreneurship, emergency services, performing arts, outdoor pursuits, or other fields that offer dynamic and stimulating experiences, leading to fulfilling and adventurous careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


Storytelling has long been recognized as a powerful tool for nurturing children's cognitive and behavioral development. And in the realm of children's literature, stories featuring talking animals hold a special place, captivating young minds with their whimsical tales and valuable life lessons. However, the benefits of these stories extend beyond mere entertainment; they can significantly impact the cognitive-behavioral well-being of both children and parents alike. 

Let’s explore how reading stories about talking animals can be beneficial for the cognitive-behavioral well-being of both children and parents.

Benefits for Children:

Benefits for Parents:

There are many cognitive-behavioral benefits for children and parents when it comes to reading and reflecting on animal stories. While children develop empathy and critical thinking skills, parents gain insights into their children's perspectives while enhancing their own understanding of diversity and ethical decision-making. Additionally, the shared experience of reading stories about talking animals strengthens the parent-child relationship and fosters a positive environment for mutual growth and learning. As families embark on these literary adventures, they not only cultivate empathy and understanding but also foster a sense of connection and shared values that transcend the pages of a storybook.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is a cognitive function characterized by a strong focus on interpersonal dynamics, harmony, and empathy. 

Personality types dominant in Fe include: ESFJ, ENFJ. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Fe and excel at the careers and tasks that require Fe.

For teens navigating the vast landscape of career options, understanding how Fe influences their interactions and decision-making can be pivotal in finding a fulfilling career path. Here's how Extraverted Feeling can guide teens towards professions that resonate with their empathetic and relational nature:

In conclusion, understanding the influence of Extraverted Feeling can guide teens towards careers that emphasize empathy, interpersonal connections, and making a positive difference in the lives of others. By recognizing their natural ability to foster harmony, support others emotionally, and promote social well-being, teens can explore opportunities in human resources, counseling, healthcare, community outreach, nonprofit work, teaching, or education, leading to fulfilling and impactful careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


In the vast literary landscape for children, there exists a timeless gem that continues to captivate young minds and foster meaningful discussions within families: the Bunnicula series by James Howe. Beyond its surface-level charm of adorable pets and amusing adventures, Bunnicula offers a rich tapestry of themes that promote cognitive-behavioral well-being in both children and their parents. Let's explore how delving into the adventures of Harold the dog, Chester the cat, and the supposed vampire rabbit called Bunnicula can pave the way for emotional growth and understanding.

Handling Uncertainty

One of the most prominent aspects of the Bunnicula series is the recurring theme of uncertainty, epitomized by Chester's over-suspicious and conspiratorial behavior around Bunnicula. First off, Bunnicula is a rabbit who leaves vegetables drained of color after sinking his teeth in them. Chester the cat develops an unending suspicion that Bunnicula is a vampire, believing him to be a threat. 

Chester's incessant paranoia serves as a mirror to the anxieties children often face when confronting the unknown, or when confronting something unfamiliar. By witnessing Chester's exaggerated fears and Harold's more balanced perspective, young readers can learn to differentiate between rational concerns and irrational paranoia.

Through the characters' experiences, children can grasp the importance of critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning when dealing with uncertainty. Moreover, engaging in discussions about Chester's behavior allows parents to address their children's fears and anxieties in a safe and supportive environment. By exploring the root causes of uncertainty and learning to approach them with rationality and calmness, families can cultivate resilience and emotional well-being in the face of the unknown.


The addition of a new, unconventional rabbit to the Monroe household challenges the pets' preconceived notions and prejudices. Chester, in particular, embodies reluctance and close-mindedness in accepting Bunnicula, whose peculiar habits and mysterious origins unsettle him. On the other hand, Harold– the canine narrator of the story– demonstrates friendliness, curiosity, and compassion for the new rabbit. 

By comparing how the two characters handle Bunnicula’s presence and habits, children can learn the importance of curiosity, empathy, and acceptance when encountering the unfamiliar. Parents, in turn, can facilitate discussions around embracing diversity, respecting individual differences, and challenging stereotypes, thereby fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding within the family unit.



The Bunnicula series has great potential as a catalyst for cognitive-behavioral well-being in both children and their parents. By delving into the themes of uncertainty and openness, families can embark on a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and growth.  Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery: Deborah Howe, James Howe: 9781416928171: Books

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

Stroke, a leading cause of disability and death globally, demands prompt intervention to mitigate its devastating consequences. Traditionally, stroke evaluation heavily relied on in-person assessments by neurologists, often necessitating immediate access to specialized care, particularly in remote or underserved areas. However, the advent of telemedicine has revolutionized this paradigm, offering a compelling alternative that challenges conventional norms.

Contrary to skepticism that telemedicine might compromise the quality of care, emerging evidence underscores its efficacy in stroke evaluation, highlighting comparable outcomes to those achieved through on-site neurological consultations. Recent studies have demonstrated that telestroke consultations, facilitated by real-time audiovisual communication between remote healthcare providers and stroke specialists, yield equivalent results in terms of accurate diagnosis, treatment decisions, and patient outcomes.

Empirical Research Supports the Benefits of Telemedicine in Stroke Evaluation

The notion that telemedicine is inferior to traditional in-person evaluations is progressively debunked by empirical research. Notably, a in a single-site retrospective comparison of 252 patients with acute stroke assessed under an in-house telestroke protocol and 2437 assessed in person, telestroke provided statistically significant advantages in the following areas:

  • Door-to-imaging times (median: 38 minutes vs 44)
  • Rates of intravenous (18.2% vs 8.6%) and mechanical (10.4% vs 5.1%) treatment
  • Length of stay (median: 6 days vs 8)
  • Symptomatic hemorrhagic transformation rate (1.1% vs 5.1%)
  • Mortality (6.7% vs 11.1%)

Moreover, telemedicine offers unique advantages that augment the delivery of stroke care in diverse settings. Its capacity for rapid assessment and decision-making expedites the administration of time-sensitive interventions such as thrombolytic therapy, thereby optimizing patient outcomes. Additionally, telemedicine facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling seamless communication between stroke specialists, emergency department physicians, and other healthcare professionals involved in patient care.

Other Benefits of Telemedicine in Stroke Evaluation

Beyond its clinical utility, telemedicine transcends geographical barriers, extending the reach of specialized stroke care to underserved regions where access to neurologists may be limited. This democratization of healthcare empowers communities with enhanced resources and expertise, ultimately narrowing disparities in stroke outcomes across diverse populations.

As telemedicine continues to evolve, fueled by advancements in technology and shifting healthcare paradigms, its role in stroke evaluation is poised to expand exponentially. Embracing this transformative approach holds the promise of revolutionizing stroke care, enhancing accessibility, and improving outcomes for patients worldwide. Through collaborative efforts, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to patient-centered care, telemedicine heralds a new era in stroke evaluation, transcending boundaries and transforming lives.

In conclusion, the evidence unequivocally substantiates the efficacy of telemedicine in stroke evaluation, dispelling lingering doubts and affirming its equivalence to traditional in-person assessments. As we navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery, embracing telemedicine as a powerful tool in stroke care holds the potential to redefine the standards of excellence, ensuring that every patient receives timely, effective interventions regardless of geographical constraints.

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