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Career Paths For Teens With Strong Extravert Intuition

April 16, 2024

Extraverted Intuition (Ne) is a cognitive function characterized by a focus on possibilities, creativity, and exploring new ideas. 

Personality types dominant in Ne include: ENTP, ENFP. However, it is important to note that cognition is fluid, so any personality type can develop strong Ne and excel at the careers and tasks that require Ne.

For teens on the brink of choosing their career paths, understanding how Ne influences their thinking can open up a world of exciting opportunities. Here's how Extraverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value innovation, creativity, and adaptability:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Teens with a strong Ne function often thrive in entrepreneurial ventures. They have a knack for generating innovative ideas, spotting emerging trends, and envisioning new possibilities. Careers in entrepreneurship allow them to turn their creative visions into reality, whether through starting their own businesses or launching innovative startups.
  • Creative Industries: Fields such as graphic design, advertising, marketing, or content creation are natural fits for individuals with strong Ne. These careers provide outlets for their creativity, allowing them to generate fresh ideas, think outside the box, and create engaging content that resonates with audiences.
  • Technology and Innovation: Careers in technology and innovation appeal to teens with Ne as they involve exploring new technologies, developing innovative solutions, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Roles in tech startups, research and development, or product management allow them to apply their creative thinking to solve complex problems and drive technological advancements.
  • Consulting and Adaptive Strategy: Consulting roles, particularly those focused on innovation or adaptive strategizing, are well-suited for teens with Ne. These positions require individuals to analyze market trends, identify opportunities for growth, and develop creative strategies to help organizations adapt to changing environments and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Media and Journalism: Careers in media, journalism, or broadcasting offer opportunities for teens with Ne to explore new ideas, uncover stories, and communicate information in creative ways. They thrive in environments where they can engage with diverse perspectives, brainstorm innovative story angles, and present information in compelling formats.

Understanding the influence of Extraverted Intuition can guide teens towards careers that value creativity, innovation, and adaptability. By recognizing their natural strengths in generating ideas, exploring possibilities, and thinking creatively, teens can explore opportunities in entrepreneurship, creative industries, technology, consulting, media, journalism, or other fields that align with their Ne preferences, leading to fulfilling and dynamic careers.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


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