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Cognitive Benefits of Reading Stories about Talking Animals

April 12, 2024

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 


Storytelling has long been recognized as a powerful tool for nurturing children's cognitive and behavioral development. And in the realm of children's literature, stories featuring talking animals hold a special place, captivating young minds with their whimsical tales and valuable life lessons. However, the benefits of these stories extend beyond mere entertainment; they can significantly impact the cognitive-behavioral well-being of both children and parents alike. 

Let’s explore how reading stories about talking animals can be beneficial for the cognitive-behavioral well-being of both children and parents.

Benefits for Children:

  • Perspective-Taking: Through stories about talking animals, children are transported into imaginative worlds where animals possess human-like characteristics and emotions. Yet at the same time, the characters retain their animal identities, which means the characters will have experiences and lifestyles that differ from humans. By reading about such characters, children are prompted to adopt different perspectives, allowing them to empathize with the experiences and challenges faced by those who are different from them. By understanding the world through the eyes of talking animals, children develop empathy and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of perspectives.
  • Imagination: The fantastical world of talking animals stimulates children's imaginations, transporting them to magical realms where anything is possible. Talking animal stories often feature characters from various species with distinct traits, abilities, and backgrounds. As children engage with these stories, they learn to recognize and appreciate differences among individuals, fostering inspiration for how these differences can offer value for the world. Exposure to such fictional characters will prompt children to explore endless possibilities, fueling their creativity and expanding their imaginative capacities for how they can improve or support different areas in the world.  
  • Moral Inspiration and Motivation: Many stories about talking animals convey important moral lessons and values through the adventures of their characters. By witnessing animals displaying qualities such as bravery, kindness, and resilience, children are inspired to emulate these virtues in their own lives, fostering moral development and motivation for positive behavior. And the motivation for positive behavior is stronger than when reading stories about humans displaying the same qualities– since it is expected that fictional humans will act humanely with such qualities, children are much more excited when fictional animals adopt the same qualities as well. Consequently, reading about animals in fiction will more strongly inspire children to think critically and develop a sense of responsibility and integrity in their own decision-making.

Benefits for Parents:

  • Perspective-Taking: While children engage in perspective-taking through the lens of talking animal characters, parents benefit from a different perspective shift. By immersing themselves in these stories alongside their children, parents gain insights into their children's thought processes and emotional experiences. This enhances their ability to empathize with their children's perspectives and strengthens the parent-child bond. Additionally, independently reading stories about animals can prompt adults to be more mindful about different perspectives and experiences other adults in their lives may have, such as colleagues, neighbors, or acquaintances. By becoming more mindful of other people’s perspectives, adults can be better prepared to help teach children how to understand and respect others’ differences.
  • Imagination: Reading stories about talking animals alongside their children allows parents to reconnect with their own sense of imagination and wonder. Through the shared experience of exploring fantastical worlds and characters, parents can rediscover the joy of storytelling and ignite their own creative sparks. And since adults obviously have more life experience than a child, they can learn how to weigh reality and imagination, guiding their children to use their imaginations to handle what is realistically probable in addition to what is creatively possible. 
  • Moral Inspiration and Motivation: The moral themes embedded in stories about talking animals provide parents with valuable opportunities to engage in discussions about ethics and values with their children. As parents guide their children through these conversations, they are reminded of the importance of modeling positive behavior and instilling moral principles in their children. As adults, it is easy to mistakenly believe that because we are older, we already know what’s good for us and what moral decisions we should be making. It’s even easier to mistakenly believe that morality is subjective and that anyone who is old enough can decide what is right and wrong in their own eyes, and that we are in no need of further teaching on moral lessons. However, since no human is perfect, there will always be endless opportunities for each human to self-grow and become better versions of themselves. By reflecting on stories where non-human characters make moral decisions that humans are aware of, adults can stay mindful that even simple moral lessons hold great weight and should not be taken for granted. Such stories also prompt us to reflect more deeply on certain moral lessons, and just the state of imagining a cute or ferocious animal making good, moral decisions like a human can help us better appreciate the value that such moral lessons can have in our lives.

There are many cognitive-behavioral benefits for children and parents when it comes to reading and reflecting on animal stories. While children develop empathy and critical thinking skills, parents gain insights into their children's perspectives while enhancing their own understanding of diversity and ethical decision-making. Additionally, the shared experience of reading stories about talking animals strengthens the parent-child relationship and fosters a positive environment for mutual growth and learning. As families embark on these literary adventures, they not only cultivate empathy and understanding but also foster a sense of connection and shared values that transcend the pages of a storybook.

My Virtual Physician is now offering pediatric behavioral health services. If you are concerned about your child's mental health needs, please book appointment with our pediatric cognitive-behavioral coach, Dr. Dalson: BOOK HERE 

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