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8 Cognitive Skills To Practice As A Parent

March 29, 2024

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Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards, requiring caregivers to adapt their approach to meet the individual needs of each child. And to maximize your ability to care for your child, it is crucial to understand how your cognition operates when you are in parenting mode.

According to evidence-based personality psychology, there are 8 cognitive styles that our brain can adopt. Let's explore how these 8 cognitive styles might manifest in parenting styles:


  • Introverted Thinking (Ti): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be logical and analytical. When your brain is in Ti mode, you will encourage children to question and explore ideas independently, fostering critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity. Ti-dominant parents emphasize the importance of understanding and reasoning, promoting a structured and systematic approach to learning.


  • Extraverted Thinking (Te): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be organized and efficient. Using Te involves establishing clear rules and expectations for children, emphasizing discipline and accountability. Te-oriented parenting focuses on practical skills and achievements, preparing children for success in the external world.


  • Introverted Feeling (Fi): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be empathetic and compassionate. Using Fi allows you to foster authenticity and emotional expression in your children. Fi-dominant parents encourage their children to follow their hearts and uphold their personal values, fostering a strong sense of self-awareness and integrity.


  • Extraverted Feeling (Fe): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be emotionally interactive and sociable. Using Fe means fostering harmony and cooperation in your family life, nurturing strong bonds and relationships. Fe-oriented parenting emphasizes emotional exchanges and consideration for others’ feelings, teaching children the importance of emotional awareness and harmony.


  • Introverted Sensing (Si): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be grounded and routine. Putting your brain in Si mode enables you to provide stability and structure for your children, emphasizing tradition and routine. Si-dominant parents instill a sense of security and responsibility in their children, drawing on past experiences to guide their actions and decisions.


  • Extraverted Sensing (Se): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be adventurous and aware of your surroundings. Using Se means encouraging your children to explore the world around them through sensory experiences and hands-on activities. Se-oriented parenting focuses on living in the present moment and embracing new adventures, fostering a sense of excitement and spontaneity.


  • Introverted Intuition (Ni): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be visionary and insightful. Using Ni during parenting involves guiding your children to use their imagination and reflect on the underlying patterns and meanings in life. Ni-dominant parents inspire their children to pursue their dreams and aspirations, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.


  • Extraverted Intuition (Ne): This cognitive mode is what prompts you to be spontaneous, experimental, and open to new ideas. Using Ne means guiding your children to think outside the box and explore a wide range of possibilities. Ne-oriented parenting fosters curiosity and open-mindedness, encouraging children to embrace change and adaptability.


In sum, each of the 8 cognitive skills plays a valuable role in your parenting. By understanding and embracing these different cognitive modes, parents can cultivate a supportive and nurturing environment that meets the individual needs of their children, fostering growth and development in all aspects of life.

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