Sexual Abuse Response

The first thing I want to say is thank you for your brave story; reading it both made my heart break and made me very angry. I hope that what I am about to say to you is helpful both mentally and physically. The second thing I want to say is: THE ONLY THING THAT […]
Sexual Abuse

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 7: Sexual Abuse Bringing awareness to the sexual abuse of teens can be a sensitive and tough subject, and there are so many women in this world who have sacrificed their privacy to bring eyes and ears to the subject. Telling their stories can hopefully […]
Delayed Puberty Response

As an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, I know all of the reasons why someone may go through puberty later than their peers. I know the hormones, genetics, and science that explain the reasons for this happening. However, I also understand the emotional toll this may take. As you stated, you were this girl and so was […]
Delayed Puberty

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 6: Delayed Puberty Have you ever thought about how vulnerable puberty can be to young teenagers? I know it’s common for people to understand what it’s like and to be forgiving when some teens have trouble coping with their bodies changing and developing so suddenly. […]
Teenage Pregnancy

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 5: Teenage Pregnancy Bringing life into this world is supposed to be a beautiful thing, and when the time is right with the right person, pregnancy can be a lifelong dream. But in some cases, this news is not always expected or wanted, especially when […]
Birth Control Response

I agree with everything you are saying and I hear you—finding the right birth control is hard. I am an Ob/Gyn and it took me until medical school to figure this out. In order to give you more of the information that you want, I am going to break down what you are saying into […]
Birth Control

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 4: Birth Control There are a couple kinds of young women when it comes to their relationships with birth control. One type doesn’t really seem to think about it much and whether it could be beneficial or not, since they have easy periods and refrain […]

Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstrual cycles, or periods, and can be a primary or secondary condition. A primary condition means that it usually starts with a person’s first period and is present for the vast majority of cycles. In this case, there is not a physical cause that can be pointed to […]
Painful Periods

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 3: Painful Periods When it comes to period pain, some women are very lucky, and some unfortunately aren’t. When I say lucky, I mean some of us girls only ever experience painless and easy periods, while others experience shocking, painful, and long periods every single […]
Yeast Infections

“Things Teenage Girls Always Wanted to Know About Gynecology” Episode 2: Yeast Infections Growing into the woman I am today has come with unexpected surprises, in addition to a few scares about how my body has developed throughout my teenage years. The first example of this is really simple – it was having my first […]