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Telemedicine gained a foothold during the pandemic. By the end of 2021, digital doctor visits had increased by 63% over two years, according to a government study. And the trend seems to be holding strong, with many physicians and facilities–Las Vegas gynecologists included–continuing to provide telehealth access, post-pandemic.

While telemedicine has proven valuable and trends show that it’s here to stay, there are some limitations. In this blog, we’ll briefly cover some obstacles inherent to telehealth along with our proposed solution: hybrid clinics.

Limitations of Telemedicine-Only

While telemedicine was literally a life-saver throughout the pandemic, it comes with its limits. The most glaring limitation is the lack of a hands-on physical exam. For standard consultations, this is usually not an issue; but if certain diagnostic services are required, like pelvic exams or getting labs done, it gets a little trickier.

Another problem that telemedicine presents is patient access. Telemedicine requires some expensive equipment that not all patients have on hand; that we often take for granted. A virtual visit requires the following:

Even if you do have this equipment, you still must count on many factors to be in working order to participate in telemedicine appointments.

Related: Telemedicine Improves Access to Prenatal Care, But Can We Improve Access to Telemedicine

A third limitation of telemedicine is simply that some patients prefer the traditional visit to a doctor’s office. An in-office visit to a clinic where a real person is physically present to assist is preferable to some, especially those who are technology-illiterate, have certain disabilities, or struggle with the English language.

For those who feel telemedicine is not suitable to meet their comprehensive healthcare needs, hybrid clinics provide another pathway. My Virtual Physician is embracing this new solution, which offers our patients a new healthcare experience where they can have their gynecology or other healthcare needs met right there on the Las Vegas strip.

What is a Hybrid Medical Clinic?

A hybrid medical clinic is a physical building that offers some of the same services that you would expect from a traditional in-person doctor’s visit while also providing the equipment to meet virtually with your doctor. My Virtual Physician’s hybrid clinics are located at:

Our hybrid clinic will open its doors to walk-in patients as well as those who schedule an appointment. As you enter the clinic, our Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) will welcome you, take your vital signs, and collect any urine samples, if required. You’ll then be guided into a private room where the telehealth equipment is set up for you to meet virtually with our board-certified physicians. Our staff is here to help in the event that you need any further assistance.

Just a handful of the additional services that we can provide inside our hybrid clinics include the following:

*by appointment only when a nurse or specialist is required

Related: My Virtual Physician’s List of Women’s Telemedicine Services

The Value of In-person Healthcare Services

My Virtual Physician is excited to offer this new hybrid option to patients who prefer the in-person experience or who do not have access to the special equipment required for virtual visits or special services. While we understand that the hybrid clinic is not for everyone, or maybe just not for every visit, we have made it a priority to provide a physical alternative to the fully digital world of telemedicine.

Our intention is to provide value to our patients by offering in-person services as an option at our hybrid clinics. We deliver this as a solution to the limitations we find in telemedicine alone. Our hybrid clinic provides a nearby physical hub for specimen collection, as well as ultrasound, for prompt confirmations and diagnoses.

Our hybrid clinics will provide a safe, private, and well-equipped place for you to meet virtually with your OBGYN in Las Vegas to discuss your health needs. Come visit our friendly staff at our two hybrid locations today!

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There is one thing that all women have in common: periods. But every year, over a million of those women enter a new stage in their life when their periods cease to exist–a certain special interlude called menopause.

While menopause marks a new phase in life, getting there isn’t quick or easy. The process of going through the menopausal transition takes around four years on average and can bring with it a roller-coaster of emotions.

Every woman deserves to know what to expect in menopause and how to endure the change as pleasantly as possible. Our team of Las Vegas gynecologists is here to help. Here, we will cover the basics of menopause and how your doctor can assist during this important progression of your reproductive lifecycle.

What is Menopause?

You’ve probably experienced a mature woman talking about hot flashes, an uncomfortable symptom experienced by 75% of menopausal women. And you probably understand that menopause is the stage when a woman’s body stops ovulating permanently. But other than hot flashes and the end of fertility, what is menopause really? Menopause is commonly defined as “the cessation of menstruation.” Well yes, but there’s a little more to it than that.

There are three major phases of menopause that take years to complete:

Menopause is the natural and gradual process that every woman experiences when her ovaries reduce the production of reproductive hormones and stop releasing eggs.

How Do I Know if I’m Entering Menopause?

It’s the changes in hormones that cause menopausal symptoms. During perimenopause, your body will gradually decrease estrogen production. Here are some common symptoms that could be signs you are entering perimenopause:

Your age, along with the above symptoms will help you and your Las Vegas gynecology team identify if you’re experiencing the first signs of your menopausal transition. Most women’s bodies begin the process between the ages of 45 to 58 years old, reaching menopause at age 52 on average.

Your doctor can order lab tests that measure hormones in order to determine whether you are entering menopause. Hormone levels during perimenopause can be very unpredictable. These tests are usually only needed if you suspect early menopause.

Caring for Yourself During and After Menopause

More than two-thirds of women say that their menopausal symptoms have interfered with their quality of life. Here are some natural tips to help during your transition:

If you’re still experiencing discomfort, our Las Vegas OBGYN team is available to provide guidance as well as additional options to manage your menopausal symptoms. Some treatments include hormone therapy, mood-stabilizing medications, and prescription supplements.

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Life after periods begins a whole new era. While you won’t have to worry anymore about getting your period or using birth control to prevent pregnancy, postmenopausal women tend to have a higher risk for osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems due to the changes in hormones. Prepare for menopause early and take care of your body along the way so that you can continue to enjoy every moment of your life post-menopause.

So you’ve heard the acronyms OB and OBGYN, but have you put much thought into what the terms mean? In this blog, we’ll cover what an OBGYN is exactly, what an OBGYN does, and then we’ll share some details about our team of Las Vegas OBGYNs.

What is an OBGYN?

OBGYNs are doctors who specialize in the female reproductive system. The acronym can be written several ways:

All of these are acronyms for “obstetrician-gynecologist.” Let’s break that down. Obstetrics and gynecology are broken into separate terms to describe whether the woman under the physician’s care is pregnant or not. In other words–if you’re pregnant, you’re going to your OBGYN for obstetrics care; if you’re not pregnant, you’ll go for gynecology.

What is an Obstetrician?

The obstetrician part is where we get the acronym OB. Obstetrics is the practice of meeting the medical needs of women during pregnancy, delivery, and post-delivery. Obstetric care also includes prenatal monitoring of the baby while in the womb. At birth, newborn care is handed over to a neonatologist and soon thereafter, medical care of the infant is transitioned to a pediatrician. Obstetrics requires close monitoring of the growing baby from a few weeks after conception to birth, including:

An OBGYN will continue to care for the new mother during the postpartum period to monitor that her body heals and that postpartum depression, if present, is managed.

Related: Telemedicine in Prenatal Care: What to Know About Seeing a Virtual Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB-GYN)

What is a Gynecologist?

The second part of the OBGYN acronym is the gynecologist. A gynecologist specializes in caring for women’s reproductive systems. This can include diagnosing and managing ongoing conditions, such as painful or irregular menstrual cycles, or short-term needs such as regular STD testing. Gynecology also includes the implementation of contraceptives such as IUDs or birth control pills. Here’s a list of gynecological services that My Virtual Physician’s Las Vegas Gynecologists provide:

As the breasts are a part of the woman’s reproductive system, gynecologists also conduct cancer screenings.

The Training Behind the OBGYN

There is a lot that goes into becoming an OBGYN. A bachelor’s degree plus four years of medical school is the basic requirement for medical doctors. OBGYNs must complete an additional four years of residency, to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology. That means your OBGYN has at least 12 years of training and education under his belt before licensure.

Once all education and residency requirements are met, OBGYNs must pass state-specific licensure exams. The exact requirements vary depending on the state. Board certification by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology is not required, but this endorsement shows your OBGYN’s competence and commitment. In order to maintain voluntary certification, your OBGYN has to take a maintenance exam every six years.

Our Team of Las Vegas Gynecologists

At My Virtual Physician, we currently have two board-certified OBGYNs ready to see patients. Let’s get to know them a little better.

Dr. David Howard, M.D., Ph.D., CEO, OB/GYN

Dr. David Howard is the CEO and founder of My Virtual Physician. He is a board-certified OBGYN licensed in several states including:

Dr. Howard, a Jamaican native, achieved the following education and credentials:

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Johns Hopkins University)
  2. M.D. and Ph.D. in Epidemiology (Medical Scientist Training Program at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine)
  3. Internship (New York-Presbyterian Hospital)
  4. Residency in OBGYN (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
  5. Post-doctoral fellowship in epidemiology (North Carolina Chapel Hill)
  6. Board-Certification

In addition to his training, Dr. Howard has been named a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Read more about our doctors.

Dr. Radihka Sharma, OB/GYN

My Virtual Physician is proud to have Dr. Radihka Sharma serving our patients with their obstetrics and gynecology needs. Her education was completed at Saba University School of Medicine with residency at Aultman Hospital. She is board-certified and specializes in pelvic floor disorders and reconstruction.


OBGYNs provide essential healthcare services for women. With this blog, we hope that you have a better understanding of the services that your Las Vegas OBGYN can provide for you, whether it’s gynecology or obstetrics.

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woman with laptop standing at dresser with coffee cup

So you’re living in Las Vegas and looking to get established with an OBGYN to get your annual gynecologist appointment out of the way. In the past, this meant a phone call to a clinic, an assignment of a doctor by the facility or answering service, and the promise of an appointment scheduled a month or longer down the road. You really did not have much choice in the matter.

Today–the landscape of choosing your healthcare team is changing–and you have options. Despite the anticipated physician shortages, you can still find an experienced and competent OBGYN in Las Vegas. But that’s not all you should be looking for when choosing your gynecologist. Let’s explore your options.

Why do I need a gynecologist?

Throughout a woman’s life, she will need to see a doctor that specializes in the female body and its reproductive system. The frequency required may change depending on the life stage and any ongoing conditions. Starting at puberty, if a young woman has any complications with menstruation, or later on seeks prescription contraception for pregnancy prevention, it’s often her gynecologist that helps with those needs.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends annual screenings for sexually active women under 25 and exams every three years for women over 21.  However, you don’t necessarily need a pelvic exam every year.

Here are some of the reasons you might decide to schedule an appointment with a Las Vegas gynecologist:

Seeing a gynecologist is a life-long obligation in a woman’s life and it’s a relationship that sees through some of life’s biggest milestones together–from puberty to having your first baby. You might as well make the most of it and spend some time shopping around and hand-selecting your own OBGYN in Las Vegas that meets your needs and criteria.

Getting Established

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to schedule your first appointment with a Las Vegas OBGYN, you might go one of two ways. Traditionally, you might decide to go online and find a nearby clinic, and call to set up an appointment; it’s a shot in the dark. While this may work for some women, there are many downfalls to the old-fashioned method including:

Luckily, there is now an alternative to the traditional way that puts the power back into the patient’s hands. You can take control and establish a relationship with a Las Vegas OBGYN of your choosing; one that you trust. Here is the new way to shop online for your gynecologist.

See your Las Vegas OBGYN entirely from the comfort of your own home through telemedicine virtual appointments. We encourage you to look around and compare your online options. We’ve done some searching of our own and we know that our patient’s testimonials speak for themselves. Read on to see what factors to consider when looking for a good gynecologist.

Related: Not All Online Women’s TeleHealth Websites Are Created Equally

Factors to consider when looking for your Las Vegas OBGYN:

Your relationship with your gynecologist is a very unique one. You have to be able to trust your doctor with very private, personal, and even taboo information. Our physicians prioritize professionalism along with connection. Generally, when you see a doctor in-office, you’ve invested so much time and effort that you will settle for less than great experiences with your OBGYN. When you expand your possibilities to include online gynecologists, you accomplish a few things at once to your benefit:

  1. Spend less time invested in scheduling, commuting, and waiting
  2. No obligation to stick with a doctor with poor bedside manner because you’re less invested
  3. Drop financial burden and insurance requirements
  4. Eliminate anxiety about pelvic exams

Providing a comfortable environment is natural when you can speak with your physician online from the comfort of your own bathroom or office. Your comfort level is essential when seeing your gynecologist; if you’re not comfortable discussing your health concerns or needs, it may prevent you from being able to articulate all the information to the doctor for a properly informed assessment.

When you schedule an appointment at a physical office setting, you’ll have to consider the office hours and whether the clinic is open when you’re available–or if you’ll need to take time off work. You’ll also likely be left in limbo regarding the cost of the visit with traditional doctors who rely mostly on insurance contracts with variable care rates. When you choose your OBGYN online, you’ll know the cost of your care up-front and we’ll work with your insurance if you have it, and we’ll work with you if you don’t. We also have hours more conducive to working women.

Finally, choose your Las Vegas Gynecologist based on competence. You need to be able to count on your OBGYN to listen to your healthcare needs and get your diagnosis and treatment right. You can check credentials, such as which college they attended and board certification, and search their license status to see if there are any marks against their record. Testimonials or reviews are another great way to determine competence before you commit to a visit. A pattern will emerge from testimonials to help you gauge the physician’s competence.

About our Las Vegas Gynecologists

At My Virtual Physician, we are excited about the changing landscape that telemedicine brings to the healthcare realm and we exist to provide solutions to our patients. We currently have two board-certified OBGYN Las Vegas doctors: Dr. David Howard and Dr. Radihka Sharma. Dr. Howard is passionate about research in the field and is dedicated to finding the best outcomes for his patients. Dr. Sharma specializes in pelvic floor disorders and she is also a certified Life & Wellness coach. Both of our gynecologists have a track record of providing quality care. Learn more about our doctors or read testimonials here.

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Did you know that if the entire population of the United States was tested for sexually transmitted infections today, about 20% would test positive? That’s what was found in a 2018 study of the top eight STIs.

The top 8 include:

In lockstep with the CDC releasing their new STI Treatment Guidelines last year, we’re providing relevant information in our blog regarding STIs to keep you informed. In case you missed it, here’s the scoop on Chlamydia.

Let’s take this opportunity to move on to our review of the second most common bacterial STI: gonorrhea.

What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea, like chlamydia, is a bacterial infection transmitted through sexual contact. The name of the bacteria in gonorrheal infections is called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacteria grows on the inner membranes of the reproductive tracts of both men and women and can also thrive in the mouth, throat, rectum, and even eyes. You can catch gonorrhea by engaging in sexual activity, including vaginal, oral, or anal sex, with someone who is infected. It can also be passed during birth from mother to child.

Gonorrhea can cause some gnarly complications. Unlike chlamydia, which tends to only cause damage to a woman’s body, gonorrhea can cause health problems for men and women alike. Some possible health effects of untreated gonorrhea are:

Those are some very concerning conditions, so how do you know if you’ve been infected?

Gonorrhea Infection Symptoms

Similar to chlamydia, most people do not have clear signs of being infected with gonorrhea, but there are a few symptoms to look out for:

Symptoms in women:

Symptoms in men:

Should I Get Tested for Gonorrhea?

Because most people with gonorrhea don’t have any signs or symptoms of infection, screening each year is crucial for detection, particularly for women. Men are more likely to have symptoms alerting them of infection, so testing may not be necessary. The CDC recommends regular testing for gonorrhea when it comes to:

The days of going to public health to get tested for STIs may be over. Now, you can test discreetly with your online OBGYN who can order a screening test from your local lab. Contact My Virtual Physician to order your STI testing kit today.

Gonorrhea can be detected by performing a bacterial culture on either an early morning urine sample or a genital swab. The new CDC guidelines add a recommendation for rectal and pharyngeal (throat) testing if an infection is suspected in those parts of the body and also approve of patient-collected specimens.

If you test positive, be sure to notify all sexual partners within the past 60 days so they can also be tested and treated. If they are unable to see a doctor, talk with your physician to see if they can assist in making treatment medications available for others that may be infected.

How to Cure Gonorrhea

Antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria that cause gonorrhea. Sometimes your doctor may simultaneously treat you for chlamydia even if you have not been tested. With gonorrhea treatment, there is a risk of bacterial resistance; if you suspect your infection is not cured after completing your medication, call your doctor right away for a different treatment option.

Your doctor will determine whether it will be necessary to re-test after treatment. For most infections, re-testing is not required but is recommended after three months. If you had a positive throat swab, the CDC recommends testing for a negative result within 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Both partners should refrain from sexual activity for a week after completing treatment to prevent re-infection. The CDC recommends scheduling a follow-up STI test within three months of treatment for patients who have been treated for gonorrhea.


STI testing and receiving a positive result, whether it’s gonorrhea or another infection, can be a mixed bag of emotions, but you don’t have to go it alone. Regular testing can catch the infection early on before any damage can be done to your reproductive system.

Have you received your annual STI screening for 2022? Schedule your appointment with My Virtual Physician so we can take care of your testing needs.

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Is your current birth control method working for you? Or are you trying to figure out what else is out there in the world of contraceptives? Luckily, your online OBGYN can help you sort through your options.

Family planning and reproductive function are a huge part of women’s health. Over 65% of women of child-bearing age are using some form of contraception. As soon as a woman decides to be sexually active, she has important decisions to make regarding either family planning or contraceptives.

If you’re not ready to start a family just yet, choosing the right contraceptive path might be overwhelming with all the options available. Here, we’ll cover the basics and go in-depth on one promising option available for pregnancy prevention: the diaphragm.

The Basics: Hormonal Vs. Non-Hormonal Contraceptives

First things first, let’s go over the basics. The two main categories to choose from are hormonal and non-hormonal birth control.

Hormonal birth control delivers medication that alters a woman’s hormones. Hormones are in charge of regulating the menstrual cycle and instructing the body to ovulate, or release an egg each month. Some examples of hormonal birth control include:

Non-hormonal contraceptive options do not interfere with your body’s natural hormones. You can think of these as barriers that physically prevent sperm from getting to your egg. Sometimes these are used in combination with spermicide products. Examples of this type of birth control include:

You have likely heard of most of the options that are listed above. The diaphragm, one of the less commonly utilized options, may be unfamiliar. Let’s uncover the mystery.

What is a Diaphragm?

A diaphragm is a soft and flexible silicone cup-shaped device used by women to create a barrier at the cervix, blocking sperm from entering where the egg lies. The diaphragm is placed into the vagina before sex and removed after a specified amount of time. Contraceptive gel, or spermicide, is used together with the diaphragm to improve effectiveness.

How to Use a Diaphragm

Let’s take a look at how to use a diaphragm. In this example, we’ll take a peek at the instructions for the Caya contoured diaphragm. Here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. Wash & inspect
  2. Apply contraceptive gel
  3. Fold the device
  4. Get comfortable
  5. Insert the diaphragm
  6. Use a finger to double-check position

A few things to remember when using a diaphragm:

Removing the diaphragm is simple. Six hours after sex, you can remove the diaphragm by hooking it with a finger on the rim. Pull it out, rinse, and repeat as needed.

Why Choose a Diaphragm over Other Methods?

So why would a woman choose a diaphragm? A major factor in the decision is that diaphragms don’t contain hormonal medication. This can be advantageous for fertility reasons and makes diaphragms an option for breastfeeding mothers (beginning six weeks post-birth).

The list of side effects caused by hormonal birth control is a lengthy one with some pretty scary possibilities. Some women experience migraines, blood clots, and even strokes while taking hormonal birth control. With diaphragms, side effects are virtually non-existent. The list is very short and includes discomfort, minor irritation, and vaginal discharge for some women while wearing the diaphragm.

Some benefits of using a diaphragm are comfort and convenience. Unlike condoms, which are disposable and require many over a lifetime, diaphragms are reusable and last for up to 2 years. That means you won’t have to get monthly prescriptions, won’t have to remember to take a pill every day, and won’t have to go through a painful IUD insertion. You can insert the diaphragm up to six hours before sex and leave it put up to 24 hours.


Contraception is something that most women will manage throughout a large part of their lives. Being aware of your options can help you make the best decision when choosing which method of birth control to use. Take the time to schedule an appointment with your online OBGYN to discuss your method and your options. A prescription is required for a diaphragm, but we can help with that!

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Are you ready to make a change? My Virtual Physician has expert doctors, including board-certified OBGYN Dr. Howard, who are available and ready to discuss your contraceptive options today.


Getting sick while you are traveling or on vacation can de-rail an experience that was planned to be exciting and fun.  Nobody plans to visit the doctor while vacationing in Las Vegas.  Many people pack general painkillers in their luggage; but what happens if you have something more serious than a headache while traveling?  If you’ve found that you’re in this situation, this article will give you the answers you’re looking for including:

Recognize Your Body’s Warning Signs

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are a common illness that affect women more often than men.  This type of infection is caused by bacteria in the urinary system (urethra, ureters, bladder, kidneys). The most proactive thing you can do, if you are traveling and think you might be coming down with a UTI, is to pay attention to any symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms of a UTI include:

Don’t Wait for the Warning Signs to Get Worse

This step is very important! At the first sign of any of the above symptoms, stop immediately at the next exit and grab some supplies to get you on your way to feeling better.

Flush Your System

The best thing you can do for immediate care is to re-hydrate your body to help flush out the urinary system.  Grab a 6 pack of bottled water, drink, pee, and repeat. Holding your urine in your bladder for too long can encourage the bacteria to multiply.  Flushing water through your system helps to both rehydrate your body and flush bacteria out.

Prepare with Over-the-counter Medications

There are several over-the-counter medications geared toward helping with UTI’s. Some are strictly for pain management and others claim to help dissipate or prevent UTI’s. At a minimum, pick up some pain killers geared toward relieving urinary tract infection discomfort; you’ll want to have this on-hand in case your pain becomes worse. Usually, these medications are kept in the aisle with the menstrual care items.

Once you have taken the first steps toward healing your UTI, you may want to call in to your Virtual OBGYN to get an appointment on the books to make sure the infection is gone and get a prescription if necessary.

Schedule an Online OBGYN Visit

Traditionally, seeing your doctor while you were out of town was out of the question or limited only to emergency room visits.  Today, if you are lucky, your brick and mortar physician might call-in a prescription for you; but more than likely they will require you to go into a facility for an evaluation.  This adds delay and frustration to getting care and getting back on the road.

The best way to get quick medical attention for your UTI, whether traveling or not, is to see your virtual OBGYN here at My Virtual Physician.  You can always schedule a proactive appointment if you feel the UTI symptoms coming on.  When it comes to treating a urinary tract infection, it is better to be prepared for the worst rather than to wait and see what happens.

Getting a UTI while traveling to Las Vegas or another dream vacation destination doesn’t have to ruin your trip! A little bit of quick action can get you feeling better so you can fully enjoy your trip. Are you suffering and in need of immediate treatment for a UTI? Click to book your appointment here!

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Due to a number of factors, including the Las Vegas OBGYN shortage, online OBGYN appointments have become increasingly popular and accepted among patients, doctors, and insurance companies. Everyday more practices are opening their virtual doors to allow patient access through an online portal.  

 Healthcare executives are predicting that by 2040, our healthcare system will be completely transformed; a substantial component of our healthcare will be virtual.  With all these new virtual options starting to become available now, how does a patient choose which one is right for her or her family? Although we can’t make that decision for you, we will show you what set My Virtual Physician apart from other telehealth companies.  

My Virtual Physician Offers Premium Service at a Low Cost 

How much is this going to cost me? Cost is a huge factor when it comes to choosing a doctor. Traditional doctor appointments have proven to be very expensive, and more commonly, led to surprise bills that continue to trickle into your home long after you thought you were done paying.   

 With most health insurance, you still pay for 100% of your medical care out of pocket until you meet a deductible amount. Once your deductible is met, you continue to pay a portion of the doctor appointment, but largely, the amount you will be charged remains a mystery until the bill goes through your insurance company and you’re stuck with the remaining balance. 

 With My Virtual Physician, whether you have insurance or not, the cost of your appointment is up-front and will not change. There is no surprise billing.  We make our pricing plans very transparent and affordable.  If you decide to use our telehealth services and schedule a one-time appointment, your cost will be $49. That meets or beats our competitors’ rates which can be as high as $75.00 per visit (Doctor On Demand).  

My Virtual Physician offers Payment Plans for Ongoing or Recurring Treatment Online 

What if you need to see your virtual OBGYN more frequently?  An example would be a condition where your physician would like you to try a treatment option for a specified period and re-visit your symptoms at regular follow-up virtual appointments.  If you’re in this situation, we have options to keep your medical bills from stacking up.   

 My Virtual Physician offers individual subscription plans with two additional membership levels above the pay-per-visit option. The complete care plan grants you unlimited telemedicine visits with not just your OBGYN, but also your primary care physician. This option is truly unique to My Virtual Physician and we are proud to offer this practical service to our patients.  That means you pay a flat subscription rate per month and you could see your online OBGYN (and PCP if available in your state) many times for just $99. 

 If you just love the freedom and certainty you get from having the complete care plan for yourself, we now have the option to expand it to the ones you love.  Our family plan covers your whole family.  The basic family rate includes up to two adults and two children for $149/mo and additional children can be added for $10 per child/mo. With the family plan, your whole family can see the doctor as many times as needed for a flat rate. So whether it’s your OBGYN, your children’s pediatrician, or your husband’s primary doctor; My Virtual Physician has you covered. 

Unlike other Online Physicians, My Virtual Physician is Based on Building a Relationship with You  

 Although going to the doctor is not usually a very happy time for anyone facing a condition, we love to see your smiling face, and a familiar face is comforting when you are in need. Most of the big-name virtual care websites have countless doctors working for them; which means you’ll be seeing a different face every time you visit.  You will also have to rehash your history every time you see a new doctor. 

 Fortunately, we have a different approach to your virtual care.  My Virtual Physician has a small team of board-certified physicians. This means that you will see our same smiles every time you come back.  We enjoy seeing your smile and can easily monitor your condition with our virtual tools without wasting appointment time gathering history repetitively. 

 Times are changing and to take full advantage of your options to see your physician online, it’s important to consider why you would choose one virtual physician company over the rest.   

 At My Virtual Physician we’ve taken a unique approach towards online healthcare by making regular care affordable and transparent for our patients.  

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online obgyn visit

Have you ever wondered what the anatomy of a 15-minute online OBGYN Las Vegas appointment looks like?

Traditionally, when going to see your doctor and treating a condition, most of us are used to going through a sometimes painstaking process. That process includes scheduling an appointment, taking time off work, remembering to go to your appointment, and then driving to a clinic where you’ll spend hours getting treated.

Things have shifted when it comes to your doctor visit. According to the CDC, there was a week in 2020 with a 154% increase in telehealth visits when compared to the previous year. This means more people are trying out telemedicine.

Seeing your OBGYN Las Vegas doctor online is a new experience for most women. That’s why we have written this blog post to let you know what to expect during a typical visit, from scheduling the appointment to picking up your medications at the pharmacy. 

My Virtual Physician has a team of experienced board-certified doctors who have been providing virtual doctor appointments to patients for over a year now so we have settled into a system that is very comfortable for both the physicians and our patients. Here, we will explain our simple telehealth process.

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These Conditions can be Diagnosed and Treated by an Online Doctor

Sometimes seeing a doctor just can’t wait the weeks or months that most brick and mortar offices require. That’s why My Virtual Physician is here; we want you to have access to your OBGYN Las Vegas physician when you need it. We can get you scheduled within 24 hours, if not sooner! 

Before you schedule your appointment, the first step is to verify that your symptoms can be addressed through an online virtual appointment. Click here to see a list of conditions that we can easily diagnose and treat online at this time.

Here are a handful of qualifying medical conditions we can treat online:

How to Schedule Your Appointment Online

So you’ve confirmed that your symptoms can be diagnosed and treated using our telehealth OBGYN services. Congratulations, you are ready to schedule your first appointment with your online OBGYN! Here’s what to do:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Book Appointment Now” at the top right corner
  3. Scroll down and fill out the form & choose your day/time preference
  4. Note: When filling out the “Your Message” section, do not include any medical details - save those for your doctor visit!
  5. You will receive a confirmation message that reads “Thank you for your message. It has been sent.”
  6. You will be contacted with a confirmed appointment time and date and for more information if needed.

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What it’s Like to See Your Virtual Doctor Online

Everything is confirmed and you show up virtually at the scheduled date and time to meet with your online OBGYN Las Vegas doctor, what does that look like?

First, you’ll get signed into our secure portal with your mobile phone or computer (with mic and camera). Instructions on how to access the portal are provided before your appointment.

Unlike a traditional doctor’s appointment, you won’t wait hours in the lobby until your doctor is finally available to see you! Our doctors are ready for you at your scheduled time, every time.

The next part of your visit will look a lot like a typical doctor's appointment. Your OBGYN virtual physician will chat with you about your concerns and/or symptoms to get a better understanding and to make a diagnosis and provide treatment options.

There may even be a physical self-exam. You could be led by your doctor through movements or exercises to gather more information. For example, during a UTI appointment, patients may be asked to tap on different parts of their body to determine the stage and location of the infection.

How do You to Receive Treatment Online 

The last part of a typical online OBGYN doctor appointment is where the doctor provides treatment options based on his or her observations. If the best treatment is medication, our online doctors can send prescription orders directly to your local pharmacy for pickup or delivery.

So yes, it’s really that easy! In about the time it took you to read this blog post, you could have your OBGYN appointment done and over with and be on your way to feeling better now. Once you’ve tried telemedicine once, you’ll see how convenient it is.  

In fact, a recent study found that the satisfaction rate of telehealth services was as high as 99%! 

Will telemedicine be your new go-to method when you need your doctor?  Book an appointment now with our OBGYN Las Vegas physicians to find out!

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Women looking for a great Obstetrics and Gynecology provider (OB/GYN) in Las Vegas, Nevada, may have trouble. There is an OB/GYN physician shortage in Las Vegas. And the situation is getting worse. 

Factors such as physician burnout, population growth, and competition from other parts of the country have created a shortage of OB/GYNs in Las Vegas, Nevada. As a result, some may have difficulty finding the perfect provider to care for their reproductive health. 

Women and their partners want an OB/GYN they can trust. Issues like birth control, childbirth, and menopause are delicate matters. Unfortunately, a shortage means there are not enough providers to meet Las Vegas’ needs. Thus, those doctors who are available may be overworked or stretched thin. 

Here is why it’s hard to find a good OB/GYN in Las Vegas and what to do about it. 

OB/GYN Las Vegas

Why It’s Hard to Find OB/GYN in Las Vegas

When there are too few doctors to meet a city's demands, it can be hard to find a provider to respond to each patient’s needs. According to NBC News, America is facing an OB/GYN shortage.

Las Vegas, overall, has the most severe OB/GYN workforce shortage.

Other parts of Nevada face an even more serious situation. Some counties lack even one OB/GYN provider. Hence, patients face delays in care. In some cases they are forced to look far away to find a doctor.

Here’s why it is hard to find OB/GYN care in Las Vegas.

And while Las Vegas OB/GYNs may have it rough, the patients suffer too.

How Can Patients Find OB/GYN Care

OB/GYNs offer services that women need. They provide health counseling, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, and more. From puberty to menopause, women need a health expert they can trust. Many patients depend on OB/GYN advice. 

Fortunately, Las Vegas residents can now find the best OB/GYNs, right in their neighborhood.

My Virtual Physician has an answer for the physician shortage crisis. Two of the best board-certified OB/GYNs in the nation are on staff and available for appointments near you in Las Vegas. 

My Virtual Physician offers OB/GYN visits in Las Vegas with flexible scheduling through telemedicine. While most providers are busy and feel the pressure to treat many patients quickly, My Virtual Physician is different. Online video visits eliminate travel time and the feel of a busy waiting room. Virtual consultations provide a relaxed, personalized, and patient-centered care experience. 

During the pandemic, many patients have had questions about staying safe. Some want to know if vaccination is right for them. Women in Las Vegas can now book a visit with My Virtual Physician to discuss their concerns and get real medical advice. Booking an appointment with an OB/GYN in Las Vegas has never been easier.

Connect with Our Board-Certified Physicians

Are you looking for an OBGYN near you in Las Vegas? My Virtual Physician has two board-certified physicians licensed in Nevada who can address gynecological problems via video visits.

If you would like to talk with a board-certified OB/GYN, you can schedule your appointment online now. My Virtual Physician offers health screening, lab tests, and counseling to meet all of your healthcare needs. 

Menopause is manageable. If you or someone you know is going through this stage of life, you may be wondering how to manage menopause. 

Menopause is a natural process that many people associate with uncomfortable symptoms. Many women report mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain. Despite the unpredictability, menopause is manageable. With a basic understanding and simple lifestyle choices, women can thrive during this time.

How do you manage some of the common complaints? Well, it helps to start with a grasp on what causes this change.

What is Menopause

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when the menstrual cycle stops. During this period, the ovaries produce less of a hormone called estrogen. Changing hormonal levels affect many body processes. 

Three phases make up the process of menopause:

Premenopause (“pre” means "before"): years before periods stop, estrogen levels decrease and periods may become irregular

Perimenopause (“peri” means "around"): the ovaries lower estrogen production, and periods stop; when a woman has not bled in 12 months, she has reached menopause

Postmenopause (“post” means "after"): after menopause, symptoms become milder and less frequent

Menopause generally affects women in their 40’s or 50’s. Studies show that the onset age of menopause is affected by many factors, including genetics (age the mother began menopause), the number of pregnancies a woman has had, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, and other factors. The average age for menopause in the United States is 52. 

Symptoms may last during the postmenopausal time for up to four or five years, but they will become lighter.  

Common Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause varies among women. Yet, many report some common symptoms. 

Empowering women with understanding about the natural process, and recommending lifestyle changes known to improve signs and symptoms, helps patients and their doctors manage menopause.

So, below you will find details about what causes these common complaints, and ways to manage them.

Mood swings

Mood swings happen with menopause because of changing hormone levels. Estrogen decreases during menopause. This important hormone relates to production and regulation of other key hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Serotonin is a mood-stabilizing hormone. Thus, fluctuating estrogen levels can lead to a disruption in serotonin production. 

In other words, women in perimenopause may notice that they feel more emotional, sensitive, anxious, or worried.

To reduce or prevent mood swings, women should practice healthy habits, including:

Night Sweats & Hot Flashes

Doctors believe that night sweats and hot flashes occur during menopause because of hormones. Estrogen and progesterone hormones help to regulate body temperature. During the natural process of menopause, when hormone levels change, many women find that they experience periods of feeling very hot to the point of sweating, even though their environment has not changed. Night sweats are episodes that occur while sleeping.

Hot flashes vary from seconds to minutes. They may happen once a day or 20 times in a day. Some women never experience them at all.

To deal with hot flashes, women could:

Weight gain

Weight gain is another common complaint of menopause. And it happens because, you guessed it, hormone changes. Estrogen plays an essential role in regulating fat storage. As estrogen levels go down during menopause, there are changes in the way the body stores fat.  Also, for many women in their 40’s and 50’s, activity levels decrease, and metabolism slows. This triple whammy makes weight gain probable.

To prevent menopausal weight gain, women might consider:

When to See Your Doctor About Menopause

Menopause symptoms generally become less intense and less frequent as time goes on. Some women may experience few or none at all. Yet, if you feel like your symptoms are severe or disrupt your life, you should talk to your doctor. There are other medical treatments, such as medications or hormone replacement therapies, available.

Connect with Our Board-Certified Physicians

To talk with one of our board-certified physicians, click below to schedule an appointment. My Virtual Physician offers comprehensive OB/GYN services to address women’s healthcare needs. Our caring experts can treat menopausal signs and symptoms. If you have suggestions for other topics you want to read about, let us know! Don’t forget to follow us on social media.

obgyn las vegas

My Virtual Physician now offers virtual doctor visits in Las Vegas. Their telemedicine visits offer comprehensive services in the following areas:


Virtual Primary Doctor

In the middle of a pandemic, along with a cold and flu season, many residents fear going out in public. Due to high patient volume, Las Vegas physician offices are busy. In some cases, patients can't get an appointment with their physician when they need it... until now. Las Vegas residents can now conveniently access a virtual doctor with My Virtual Physician.

Las Vegas OBGYN Virtual Visit

Patients emphasize the convenience of having an online doctor visit where they receive the personalize care they need, all from the comfort, privacy, and safety of their homes. Patients can skip the waiting rooms and old magazines and enjoy waiting for their appointment in their own home. When it comes time to talking with the provider, their doctor is ready to connect and focus with them one on one. My Virtual Physician can effectively treat the following gynecology conditions during an online visit:

Las Vegas Primary Care Virtual Visit

Our patients rave about our primary care services. The virtual doctors at My Virtual Physician understand getting to know their patients, their medical histories, and the factors impacting health and wellness. With top-notch and on-demand Las Vegas primary care telemedicine services, My Virtual Physician can effectively treat patient health concerns involving:

A Telemedicine Service Provider

Residents in Las Vegas, Nevada can schedule a virtual doctor appointment or choose a provider through a secure and fast online booking system. Our Las Vegas OBGYN accepts Medicaid. Contact us to learn more about our services!

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