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Getting it Right: Choosing the Best Gynecologist in Las Vegas

May 18, 2022

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So you’re living in Las Vegas and looking to get established with an OBGYN to get your annual gynecologist appointment out of the way. In the past, this meant a phone call to a clinic, an assignment of a doctor by the facility or answering service, and the promise of an appointment scheduled a month or longer down the road. You really did not have much choice in the matter.

Today–the landscape of choosing your healthcare team is changing–and you have options. Despite the anticipated physician shortages, you can still find an experienced and competent OBGYN in Las Vegas. But that’s not all you should be looking for when choosing your gynecologist. Let’s explore your options.

Why do I need a gynecologist?

Throughout a woman’s life, she will need to see a doctor that specializes in the female body and its reproductive system. The frequency required may change depending on the life stage and any ongoing conditions. Starting at puberty, if a young woman has any complications with menstruation, or later on seeks prescription contraception for pregnancy prevention, it’s often her gynecologist that helps with those needs.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends annual screenings for sexually active women under 25 and exams every three years for women over 21.  However, you don’t necessarily need a pelvic exam every year.

Here are some of the reasons you might decide to schedule an appointment with a Las Vegas gynecologist:

  • STD Testing and Screenings
  • Family Planning
  • Infertility
  • Reproductive Health
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles
  • Contraceptives
  • Menopause & Hormone Therapy

Seeing a gynecologist is a life-long obligation in a woman’s life and it’s a relationship that sees through some of life’s biggest milestones together–from puberty to having your first baby. You might as well make the most of it and spend some time shopping around and hand-selecting your own OBGYN in Las Vegas that meets your needs and criteria.

Getting Established

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to schedule your first appointment with a Las Vegas OBGYN, you might go one of two ways. Traditionally, you might decide to go online and find a nearby clinic, and call to set up an appointment; it’s a shot in the dark. While this may work for some women, there are many downfalls to the old-fashioned method including:

  • Local OBGYNs are booked for months
  • Incompatible Insurance requirements
  • Unaffordable or unknown costs without insurance
  • Long wait times in a public waiting room
  • Physical transportation is required
  • Inflexible hours of operation

Luckily, there is now an alternative to the traditional way that puts the power back into the patient’s hands. You can take control and establish a relationship with a Las Vegas OBGYN of your choosing; one that you trust. Here is the new way to shop online for your gynecologist.

See your Las Vegas OBGYN entirely from the comfort of your own home through telemedicine virtual appointments. We encourage you to look around and compare your online options. We’ve done some searching of our own and we know that our patient’s testimonials speak for themselves. Read on to see what factors to consider when looking for a good gynecologist.

Related: Not All Online Women’s TeleHealth Websites Are Created Equally

Factors to consider when looking for your Las Vegas OBGYN:

Your relationship with your gynecologist is a very unique one. You have to be able to trust your doctor with very private, personal, and even taboo information. Our physicians prioritize professionalism along with connection. Generally, when you see a doctor in-office, you’ve invested so much time and effort that you will settle for less than great experiences with your OBGYN. When you expand your possibilities to include online gynecologists, you accomplish a few things at once to your benefit:

  1. Spend less time invested in scheduling, commuting, and waiting
  2. No obligation to stick with a doctor with poor bedside manner because you’re less invested
  3. Drop financial burden and insurance requirements
  4. Eliminate anxiety about pelvic exams

Providing a comfortable environment is natural when you can speak with your physician online from the comfort of your own bathroom or office. Your comfort level is essential when seeing your gynecologist; if you’re not comfortable discussing your health concerns or needs, it may prevent you from being able to articulate all the information to the doctor for a properly informed assessment.

When you schedule an appointment at a physical office setting, you’ll have to consider the office hours and whether the clinic is open when you’re available–or if you’ll need to take time off work. You’ll also likely be left in limbo regarding the cost of the visit with traditional doctors who rely mostly on insurance contracts with variable care rates. When you choose your OBGYN online, you’ll know the cost of your care up-front and we’ll work with your insurance if you have it, and we’ll work with you if you don’t. We also have hours more conducive to working women.

Finally, choose your Las Vegas Gynecologist based on competence. You need to be able to count on your OBGYN to listen to your healthcare needs and get your diagnosis and treatment right. You can check credentials, such as which college they attended and board certification, and search their license status to see if there are any marks against their record. Testimonials or reviews are another great way to determine competence before you commit to a visit. A pattern will emerge from testimonials to help you gauge the physician’s competence.

About our Las Vegas Gynecologists

At My Virtual Physician, we are excited about the changing landscape that telemedicine brings to the healthcare realm and we exist to provide solutions to our patients. We currently have two board-certified OBGYN Las Vegas doctors: Dr. David Howard and Dr. Radihka Sharma. Dr. Howard is passionate about research in the field and is dedicated to finding the best outcomes for his patients. Dr. Sharma specializes in pelvic floor disorders and she is also a certified Life & Wellness coach. Both of our gynecologists have a track record of providing quality care. Learn more about our doctors or read testimonials here.

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